...and the road becomes my bride
I have stripped of all but pride
So in her I do confide
And she keeps me satisfied
Gives me all I need
...and with dust in throat I crave
Only knowledge will I save
To the game you stay a slave
Rover wanderer Nomad vagabond
Call me what you will
But Ill take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind anywhere
And Ill redefine anywhere
Anywhere I may roam
Where I lay my head is home
cut my wrist on a bad thought
Well if you ever plan to motor west
Travel my way, take the highway
that's the best
Get your kicks on Route 66
Well it winds from Chicago to LA
More than two thousand miles all the way
Get your kicks on Route 66
Well it goes to St. Louis, down to Missouri
Oklahoma City looks so, so pretty You'll see
Amarillo, Gallup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona, don't forget Wynonna
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino
Won't you get hip
to this kind of trip
And go take that California trip
Get your kicks on Route 66
Well it goes to St. Louis, down to Missouri
Oklahoma City looks so, so pretty You'll see
Amarillo, Gallup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona, don't forget Wynonna
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino
If you get hip to this kind of trip
And go take that California trip
Get your kicks on Route 66
Get your kicks on Route 66
Turn on, I see red
Adrenaline crash and crack my head
Nitro junkie, paint me dead
And I see red
One hundred plus through black and white
War horse, warhead Fu** 'em, man, white-knuckle tight
Through black and white
Turn on beyond the bone
Swallow future, spit out home
Burn your face upon the chrome
Take the corner, join the crash,
Headlights, head on,
Another junkie lives too fast
Lives way too fast
On I burn Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard, loose and clean
And on I burn Churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline
Gimme fuel, gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire
On I burn
Mon Nov 02 14:05:27 CET 2009 | Eifel-Elch
Isle of apes! Absolut King Kong gorgeous...
Beste greetings from se säxische Neighbours...
Mon Nov 02 15:37:33 CET 2009 | Dr Seltsam
Googleübersetzung ftw, besonders wenns von X nach Englisch nach Deutsch geht
Ich bewunder dich ja schon das du den Sinn des ersten Briefs rausbekommen hats, bei dem Mischmasch müsst ich das dreimal lesen
Mon Nov 02 17:33:18 CET 2009 | 855T5
Klasse Tinu!
Dieselbe Geschichte bekam ich vor ein paar Monaten - allerdings aus Südafrika
Mon Nov 02 18:02:58 CET 2009 | _RGTech
Was sind denn Euro Pfund für ne Währung
Mon Nov 02 19:37:27 CET 2009 | Antriebswelle135730
Ein Euro-Pfund sind 500 Gramm.
Mon Nov 02 20:12:46 CET 2009 | schmonses
Attention! If you go me on the nerven i will put you in the gulli make the deckel drauf and you will never comeback to the tageslicht.
Mon Nov 02 23:08:07 CET 2009 | vidaman
nach kurzem telefonat mit "Dr.Michael Williams" und den hinweisen auf diesen blog, erwarte ich jetzt eine menge europfund auf meinem konto includ. einer menge aktien in meinem land
Tue Nov 03 09:42:00 CET 2009 | XC70D5
War das jetzt ein Geständnis?
Gruß aus Velbert
Tue Nov 03 16:12:44 CET 2009 | D5MÄN
Hello Mr. Tupper,
this is ja ne very gute Gelegenheitsopportunity, to bring me in the Spiel as your Rechtsvertreter. 15,4 mio pfunds equal ja round 17,1 mio Euros. When I schreib you a brief to mr. Michaels, you just have to pay me the Anwaltshonorar of 81.699,21 Euro including the moreworthtax (of course before I schreib the Brief). That makes not go in Rente aber I can buy my Frau lots of Weihnachtsgift.
Yours sincerly
Tue Nov 03 17:02:35 CET 2009 | XC70D5
If ich need a
verpoortenadvocat, ich will tell you. But if you berechne your bill on the Wert of the thing on itself, you are out of race.For't you*
*Slang. Who will dissolve the Rätsel?
Tue Nov 03 17:58:26 CET 2009 | schmonses
Nee, meine Antwort auf diese Spam Mail, hätte ich sie bekommen
Fri Nov 06 14:29:35 CET 2009 | onkel_eduard
Be careful: who digs others a hole falls self into it! There have been horses seen puking in front of the pharmacy. But who tell I that? Pylon and sheet break!
Deine Antwort auf "Mal wieder 'ne Mail, die mich reicher macht :-D"