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  7. 1994 W124 Righthand drive for FREE in BERN!

1994 W124 Righthand drive for FREE in BERN!

Mercedes E-Klasse W124
Themenstarteram 1. Dezember 2011 um 19:25


Sorry for the English.

I have moved here to Bern with my beloved W124.

I dont need the car anymore and before I decide to scrap it I thought I ask around, maybe somebody want a spare part car or want to use or wahtever. The car itself is drivable but it has a few problems.

The car is UK registered on my name,but now there is no valid road papers (Failed the per-test in UK).

The reasons of failed test are :

Broken fornt right spring (cant notice)

parking brake need adjustment (or new shoes)

Excessive corrosin beneath the car somewhere and need welding.

The car has 4 Mercedes alloy wheels(15") with good tires, almost brand new: MAF, spark plugs, HT leads,Ignition coils, 4 brake disc, pads, O2 sensor.

The car is a very good runner, did the trip from UK to Bern full-full-full packed without an issue.

Clock is on 146.000 Miles

No tricks or fraud: I have no time to sell but I need the garage space before 25.December.

If nobody take the car, I will scrap it here in Bern.


if interested or question: attila.desy@gmail.com

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Themenstarteram 2. Dezember 2011 um 6:39

Mr. Ass and Mr. Hole !

I am not a spammer and not a Nigerian and imagine that "die Berner" do speak English, or most of them.

My only intend is that keep the car alive if it possible as W124 model is great. I offer it FREE because it has to go. I think that is better to give it to an enthusiasm rather that just scrap it. I am paying for the garage here in Bern and I need the space that is why I cant keep the car (and I have no time to deal with it).

I know it is unusual from someone to offer a working car for FREE, but if u check the UK used car prices then this car worth around 500 GBP. If I would ask any money, probably nobody would be interested, this is the reason for its "price" and if u think about it it is not totally FREE because the buyer needs to pick up the car and that cost money.


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Seit wann sprechen die Berner englisch?

Oder sind jetzt hier bei MT die Nigerianer auch schon so dreist. :D 

Themenstarteram 2. Dezember 2011 um 6:39

Mr. Ass and Mr. Hole !

I am not a spammer and not a Nigerian and imagine that "die Berner" do speak English, or most of them.

My only intend is that keep the car alive if it possible as W124 model is great. I offer it FREE because it has to go. I think that is better to give it to an enthusiasm rather that just scrap it. I am paying for the garage here in Bern and I need the space that is why I cant keep the car (and I have no time to deal with it).

I know it is unusual from someone to offer a working car for FREE, but if u check the UK used car prices then this car worth around 500 GBP. If I would ask any money, probably nobody would be interested, this is the reason for its "price" and if u think about it it is not totally FREE because the buyer needs to pick up the car and that cost money.


pictures from the car

Themenstarteram 2. Dezember 2011 um 7:36

This is with the previous 16" alloy wheels when I bought it.

Later I will make actual pics and post them.

offers to sell here: 


Ich glaube nicht, dass das ein Spammer ist, wohne aber selbst zu weit weg, um das weiter zu verfolgen.

Falls den einer zum Ausschlachten holen sollte, sagt bescheid, ich hätte ein paar Teilewünsche... :)

Gruß, Karim

am 2. Dezember 2011 um 14:10

Mr. Ass and Mr. Hole !

Hihihi....what a good Joke...LOL--:p:p:p

Der war wirklich gut.:)

Wenn der TE sein Auto oder sonstwas verkaufen will dann soll er das bei Autoscout oder mobile tun.

Hier ist das sowieso fehl am Platz.

Und so blöd kann wohl keiner sein.

was mir ein bisschen komisch vorkommt, da meldet sich der TE extra hier im Forum neu an, um sein Auto zu verschenken ;)

in Bern gibts bestimmt auch regionale Marktplaetze, um das Auto an den Mann zu bekommen

Ja, er sucht aber scheinbar einen Liebhaber und dachte er findet einen in einem W124 Forum. So eine Frechheit!!!1!

am 3. Dezember 2011 um 2:16

Ja dubios.

Aber nen geschenkten W124 Kombi - dem schaut man nicht ins Maul :D

Ich hab viele Freunde in Bern - die könnten sich den ja mal anschauen.

Komisch warum der TE nur Englisch spricht, scheinbar aber Deutschen Sarkasmus versteht :D

Themenstarteram 3. Dezember 2011 um 10:57

As I said I have no time to deal with the car sale, that is why I just put it into the forum (Not just to here). If somebody wants the car, pick it up, otherwise I call the scrapyard and they pick up the car for FREE. Simple.


It seems we can close this case as one of the forum members from Hamburg take a train and pick up the car on Sunday.

Have a nice day


am 4. Dezember 2011 um 16:08


Original geschrieben von caddykarim

Ich glaube nicht, dass das ein Spammer ist, wohne aber selbst zu weit weg, um das weiter zu verfolgen.

Falls den einer zum Ausschlachten holen sollte, sagt bescheid, ich hätte ein paar Teilewünsche... :)

Gruß, Karim

Was brauchste denn?

Tip- top Auto!

Laeuft wie verrueckt :D

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