A3 gearshift knob color codes...
Excuse me for posting in English, unfortunately I don't speak German...
I have recently purchased a 2006 A3 (2.0 fsi, tiptronic) and I wish to change my gearshift to a new one.
I've found online a version that I like very much - here is a picture of it (it's the one on the right):
I find this knob to be special because of its combination of leather / aluminium, and because it is NOT the new punched leather version (the punched leather doesn't match my steering wheel...)
According to the owner of the car in the picture (A3 DSG), the part no. for this knob is - 8P1 713 141 URU.
In the local Audi service center (ISRAEL), I've been told that the part no. for the knob that I currently have is -
4F1 713 141 N TAH (this is the normal tiptronic black leather version, without the aluminium combination).
I looked in ETKA and it confirmed that the "8P1 713 141 URU" is a dsg version and that the "4F1 713 141 N TAH" is a tiptronic version.
A) Can I install the "8P1 713 141 URU" (dsg) im my car (tiptronic)?
B) In Etka I also found another tiptronic version - "4F1 713 141 N URU". As you can see, it matches the part no. of my installed knob
exactly, but it also have the "URU" color code at the end.
Do you think the URU in "8P1 713 141 URU" means it has the same leather / aluminium combination?
Thank you very much for your help,
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19 Antworten
Hello Alon,
try to ask Businessman maybe he can help you.
Mission Control
Thanks mission control - I sent Businessman a private message
Does anyone else happen to have any intersting info ?
hey wär vllt. mal toll wen jemand das auf deutsch übersetzten könnte
will wissen was da los ist
danke im voraus
Alon möchte wissen ob er den DSG-Schaltknauf (knob) mit seinen Tiptronic-Schaltknauf (noch'n knob) einfach austauschen kann. Es wird viel von Artikelnummern geredet und von Leder/Aluminium Kombinationen Das wars so grob.
PS: Ganz am Anfang hatt er auch gegrüßt, scheint ein sehr gut erzogener Israeli zu sein.
Das ist ein Fall für Game-Junkiez, der hatte auch mal mit dem gedanken gespielt das zu tauschen, geht aber nicht oder ist zu teuer..
Hello Alon,
welcome to the german motor-talk forum, nice to have you here, we're becoming more and more international
One user here, his nickname is Game-junkiez, had the same idea as u have, but i think he rejected this idea in case of costs or feasibility.
Maybe u also can contact him and ask him, but i think his english is not very well so give him some time to answer.
kind regards
I´ve received your PM. How does your knob actually looks like? Like this tiptronic or this DSG? I think, you have the first in your A3.
The 8P1 713 141 C URU from DSG should fit in your tiptronic A3.
Original geschrieben von Businessman
I´ve received your PM. How does your knob actually looks like? Like this tiptronic or this DSG? I think, you have the first in your A3.
The 8P1 713 141 C URU from DSG should fit in your tiptronic A3.
Thank you very much for your quick response!
You are correct - the knob currently installed in my A3 looks like the first one (the tiptronic).
The DSG knob in the other picture is exactly the one I want to buy...So your answer is great news for me...
Oooh - maybe you know - Does the DSG knob has a "DSG" symbol on the rear side of it?
(I prefer a clean version, without any symbols/badges on it. I couldn't tell from the pictures I found if the 8P1 713 141 C URU
has a "DSG" symbol on it, or not...)
Thanks again,
Hi Alon,
its clean, i have the same one.
Original geschrieben von Audiot_8P
Hello Alon,
welcome to the german motor-talk forum, nice to have you here, we're becoming more and more international
One user here, his nickname is Game-junkiez, had the same idea as u have, but i think he rejected this idea in case of costs or feasibility.
Maybe u also can contact him and ask him, but i think his english is not very well so give him some time to answer.
kind regards
Thank you for your warm welcome, it's a pleasure being a part of this professional A3 community...
Yes, it's clean. Only VW has a DSG-Symbol.
Original geschrieben von Businessman
Yes, it's clean. Only VW has a DSG-Symbol.
What more can I ask for??
Thank you so much businessman - you're the MAN...
Original geschrieben von Audiot_8P
Das ist ein Fall für Game-Junkiez, der hatte auch mal mit dem gedanken gespielt das zu tauschen,
Nie im Leben,
ich finde den alten und klassischen Knauff plus Alu-Umrandung (Schaltgasse) viel schöner !
Viele Grüße
Original geschrieben von yanco
Original geschrieben von Businessman
Yes, it's clean. Only VW has a DSG-Symbol.
What more can I ask for??
Thank you so much businessman - you're the MAN...
Let us know, when all fits and you happy.