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  4. Buying Used Car (EU4000) - No experience (New to Germany)

Buying Used Car (EU4000) - No experience (New to Germany)

Themenstarteram 1. September 2019 um 9:12


I would buy a used car (EU 4000).

I am just going to move there in 3 weeks - YES to the job, NO to the address yet.

What do I have to have to be able to buy a car with financing?

Also how much do I have to pay for everything else (insurance, tax, licence plate, other paperwork, etc.) other than the price of the car?


I am looking for a range, like

A, EU1-200?

B, ... or 2-300,

C, 3-400?

D, 4-500?

E, 5-600?

Thank you for your help

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11 Antworten

Did you use "EU" in a wrong way?

EU = European Union

EUR or € = Euro (the currency created by the EU)

Please edit if possible -> click the pen button next to "Danke", the bell symbol, "Zitieren", etc. No new thread please!

I'm not that familiar with car financing. I assume that it will be difficult because you don't have a financial history in Germany recorded like by Schufa. Maybe it's a better idea to get a credit in you "old" country and pay the car with that? At least within the EU that shouldn't be a problem as long as they still get their money. Within the SEPA (includes some non-EU contries like Switzerland), such bank transactions in EUR(!) cost the same as within the same EU country.

Do I assume right that you're not in an area where public transportation + a very limited usage of car sharing can fulfil your needs concerning that? Some people say they don't want a car because that system already fulfils their needs.

Concerning the operating costs IMHO that what you're thiniking of is a bad or at least difficult approach because it depends on too many factors, especially concerning that old used cars.

IMHO better approach:

- Search for a "non-authorized" workshop in your area (in the meaning of that they don't have a contract with a car manufacturer, such workshops are usually cheaper). Ask like you neighbors to which workshop they go. Look what brands they repair quite often or even talk with them about that.

- Think about the requirements of your car, also concerning size, how much you'll drive per year and if that are just shorter distances etc.

- If you want to know how much fuel a car really consumes: https://www.spritmonitor.de/

Carful, more "sportive" cars are usually driven faster which increases consumption. Smaller cars are more likely used in stop'n'go or for very short distances which also increases consumption.

- Fuel prices are very fluctuating and regionally different. Look like at https://www.tankerkoenig.de/ (enter a postal code or be careful when entering a cities name, look that you're in the right area). But that website only shows the 20(?) cheapest in the area you defined.

- Check the maintenance and timing belt intervalls. Check the costs per maintainence ("Wartung" or "Inspektion" (both are synonyms), sometimes also "Service" (carful, e.g. "Bremsenservice" concerns only the brakes!) in German, careful, there're usually big and small maintenance, take the average of 10Mm/year and 25Mm/year when driving <15Mm/year). https://www.dat.de/fahrzeug-reparaturkosten/#/ or https://werkstatt.autoscout24.de/

- Check the insurance costs. You probably will have to start with SF0, but already in the next year it's much cheaper (if your insurance didn't have to pay anything) -> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schadenfreiheitsrabatt

In many cases it's better to go to the insurance website instead of insurance comparison websites.

Ask people not working for an insurance company what car insurance they recommend. Or search for "insurance_name problem".

- Check the annual tax: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraftfahrzeugsteuer_(Deutschland)#PKW_und_Motorr%C3%A4der

Diesel is usually more expensive but fuel costs per 100km at same engine power are usually much cheaper. So just makes sense if you drive quite much.

The Diesel particles filter can also be blocked when driving to short distances too often without driving long distances in between so that particles in the filter can be burned.

- Come with a small list with cars back here to this thread and ask for our opionion (I see you already created such an additional thread).

- The HU (vehicle check by law) costs like the same for every car except like if you have CNG/LPG in your car, a truck, etc.


Themenstarteram 1. September 2019 um 20:38

I used EU for Euro, I don't have that on my computer, did not want to copy&paste several times - sorry

Themenstarteram 1. September 2019 um 20:40


@Attila112 schrieb am 1. September 2019 um 11:12:28 Uhr:


I would buy a used car (EUR 4000).

I am just going to move there in 3 weeks - YES to the job, NO to the address yet.

What do I have to have to be able to buy a car with financing?

Also how much do I have to pay for everything else (insurance, tax, licence plate, other paperwork, etc.) other than the price of the car?


I am looking for a range, like

A, EUR1-200?

B, ... or 2-300,

C, 3-400?

D, 4-500?

E, 5-600?

Thank you for your help

Themenstarteram 1. September 2019 um 21:17

Hi again,

Thank you for the deep insight! I corrected my mistakes.


So you wrote: “…Come with a small list with cars back here to this thread and ask for our opinion”

... and I'm coming back with it.

I don’t want you to dig deep on any one of them, but these are I found as a potential cars for my family.


All are diesel, automatic

Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 HDI Aut, Premium EUR 2,900 2007 120,000km

Renault Megane II Grandtour Avantage,Aut, EUR 3,000 2008 121,000km

Mercedes-Benz B 180 CDI EUR 4,000 2006 122,000km

BMW Touring 525d EUR 4,000 2004 120,000km

Opel Vectra C GTS Edition EUR 4,000 2006 110,000km


@Attila112 schrieb am 1. September 2019 um 23:17:26 Uhr:

Hi again,

Thank you for the deep insight! I corrected my mistakes.


So you wrote: “…Come with a small list with cars back here to this thread and ask for our opinion”

... and I'm coming back with it.

I don’t want you to dig deep on any one of them, but these are I found as a potential cars for my family.


All are diesel, automatic

Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 HDI Aut, Premium EUR 2,900 2007 120,000km

Renault Megane II Grandtour Avantage,Aut, EUR 3,000 2008 121,000km

Mercedes-Benz B 180 CDI EUR 4,000 2006 122,000km

BMW Touring 525d EUR 4,000 2004 120,000km

Opel Vectra C GTS Edition EUR 4,000 2006 110,000km

You forgot to write how much you want to drive per year and if there're longer trips every few weeks (like at least 1h at like 70-130km/h). To often too short trips -> FAP (Diesel fumes filter) will be blocked by particles that can't burn because the filter is not hot enough.

And of corse factors like if that car already had a accident, I the car generally is in a good or bad condition etc. are very important.

You know what things like the German "Umweltzone" and "Diesel-Fahrverbote" or the French Crit'air are? That car's are so old that they probably all will be affected more or less. In which big cities do you want to drive? -> https://www.umwelt-plakette.de/ is a company which sells the official stickers for the Umweltzone. You can also buy it at most car dealers, garages and places where you can (have to ;-)) register you car at the authorities or you can go for the mandatory security check by law (should be like 5-6EUR, sometimes if you by a car at a dealer it's already included). They also have information in other languages concerning that topic. In some cases you can "upgrade" your car concerning that to get a better sticker (resp. to be not affected by the Diesel-Fahrverbote).

IIRC "Diesel-Fahrverbote" can only be found in "green" Umweltzonen (the strictest level of the Umweltzone) because they were created for cases where a green Umweltzone isn't enough. IIRC there's no sticker for that. There're signs saying like "Not permitted for cars with Euro 5 or below".

I'm Renault driver, so I can only say something concerning the Megane II:

- The last few years of the Megane II are ok (2008 the Megane III came up).

- But there're good and bad engines. You didn't mention the engine. Search for it (e.g. "1.5 dci" it's it's the 1.5l one - but be careful, sometimes the same motor volume is available with different power (additional turbo etc.)) e.g. in https://www.motor-talk.de/.../...t-megane-scenic-r19-fluence-b721.html (in German, but understanding German should be easier than writing German ;-)).

- IIRC Avantage is a lower trim.

- Remember what I wrote concerning costs.


Themenstarteram 2. September 2019 um 22:48

Thank you for the answers!


Let's see!

Driving it: 250-300 km/week X 52 weeks = 13,000-16,000/year



A, 12+ years old }> diesel OR gasoline?

B, French diesel OR German? Peugeot/Renault OR VW/Opel

/probably I should not think of 10+ years old Mercedes or BMW, right? ... or should I?/



C, ... or should I just go with a SAAB 900 (before 1994) ? : )

Themenstarteram 2. September 2019 um 22:52

Again, can you tell how much my upfront cost can be when I buy a car between EUR 2-4000?

It seems like not that easy.


I am looking for a range, like


A, EUR 100-200?

B, ... or 2-300,

C, 3-400?

D, 4-500?

E, 5-600?


Thank you for your help

Like I said: Especially for used cars it's like impossible to create such tables in which like no company is interested in because it's far too much work. You have to search for everything by hand as I wrote.


That kind of annual mileage go petrol, something small Japanese or German.

Even my French colleague stays clear of Renault.

You will struggle to get a loan for a second hand car, certainly one in that price range as it’s basically unsecured and you have no credit history in the country. If you did get a loan they way want you to take fully comp rather than 3rd party insurance, which usually means double the insurance premium.

You may be better off with a mk4 Golf (1.6 petrol) or something similar where you don’t need a loan. Stay clear of things like a 5 series or B class. A lot more expensive to run and to repair in particular.

Themenstarteram 6. September 2019 um 3:19

I started to think about getting a car with loan, because on certain websites (selling/buying cars) they offer with every one of them.

Plus probably I could buy a newer auto this way.

am 31. Juli 2020 um 8:38

Hey Attila112,

I don't know about the costs for a licence plate or paperwork but regarding an insurance I recommend this page. They do provide service in english, wich is kinda helpful xD.


They did help me with my Jeep :)

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