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CAT Motor C13 Technische Dokumentation

Themenstarteram 17. September 2011 um 19:53

Hallo zusammen,

brauche dringend Technische Dokumentation und Einstelldaten für einen CAT C13 Motor.


-Kraftstoffsystem Drücke usw.




am Betsen in PDF Format oder Ähnliches.

Habe nen Motorschaden den Ich Überholen soll.

Benötige Doku bis Morgen oder Montag.


Grüße aus Jordanien


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Seite 43 Firing Order 1-5-3-6-2-4


Viel spass beim lesen. Ich kann copies machen von unseren Werstatthandbuch.

1. Ensure that the No. 1 piston is at the top center position on the compression stroke.

Table 2TC Compression Stroke Inlet Valves Exhaust Valves

Valve Lash

0.38 ± 0.08 mm

(0.015 ± 0.003 inch)

0.64 ± 0.08 mm

(0.025 ± 0.003 inch)

Cylinders 1-2-4 1-3-5

Adjust the valve lash according to Table 2.

1. Lightly tap the rocker arm with a soft mallet. This will ensure that the lifter roller seats against the camshaft's base circle.

1. Loosen the adjustment locknut.

1. Place the appropriate feeler gauge between rocker arm and the valve bridge. Then, turn the adjustment screw in a clockwise direction. Slide the feeler gauge between the rocker arm and the valve bridge. Continue turning the adjustment screw until a slight drag is felt on the feeler gauge. Remove the feeler gauge.

1. Tighten the adjustment locknut to a torque of 30 ± 7 N·m (22 ± 5 lb ft). Do not allow the adjustment screw to turn while you are tightening the adjustment locknut. Recheck the valve lash after tightening the adjustment locknut.

Remove the timing bolt and turn the flywheel by 360 degrees in the direction of engine rotation. This will put the No. 6 piston at the top center position on the compression stroke. Install the timing bolt in the flywheel.

Table 3TC Exhaust Stroke Inlet Valves Exhaust Valves

Valve Lash

0.38 ± 0.08 mm

(0.015 ± 0.003 inch)

0.64 ± 0.08 mm

(0.025 ± 0.003 inch)

Cylinders 3-5-6 2-4-6

Adjust the valve lash according to Table 3.

1. Lightly tap the rocker arm with a soft mallet. This will ensure that the lifter roller seats against the camshaft's base circle.

1. Loosen the adjustment locknut.

1. Place the appropriate feeler gauge between rocker arm and the valve bridge. Then, turn the adjustment screw in a clockwise direction. Slide the feeler gauge between the rocker arm and the valve bridge. Continue turning the adjustment screw until a slight drag is felt on the feeler gauge. Remove the feeler gauge.

1. Tighten the adjustment locknut to a torque of 30 ± 7 N·m (22 ± 5 lb ft). Do not allow the adjustment screw to turn while you are tightening the adjustment locknut. Recheck the valve lash after tightening the adjustment locknut.

Remove the timing bolt from the flywheel after all adjustments to the valve lash have been made. Reinstall the timing cover.

Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Variable Valve Actuators - Inspect/Adjust".

adjust your electronic unit injectors:

Put the No. 1 piston at the top center position on the compression stroke. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston".

1. Cylinders 3, 5, and 6 can be adjusted with cylinder 1 at Top Center compression stroke.

1. Loosen the locknut.

1. Turn the adjustment screw until the screw makes contact with the electronic unit injector.

1. Tighten the adjustment screw to an additional 2 turns.

1. Turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise for 2.5 turns.

1. Turn the adjustment screw until the screw makes contact with the electronic unit injector.

1. Turn the adjustment screw through 180 degrees in a clockwise direction.

1. Tighten the locknut to a torque of 55 ± 10 N·m (41 ± 7 lb ft).

Rotate the engine in the normal operating direction by 360 degrees. Cylinder 1 will now be on Top Center exhaust stroke.

1. Cylinder 1, 2, and 4 can be adjusted with cylinder 1 at Top Center exhaust stroke.

1. Loosen the locknut.

1. Turn the adjustment screw until the screw makes contact with the electronic unit injector.

1. Turn the adjustment screw to an additional two turns.

1. Turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise for 2.5 turns.

1. Turn the adjustment screw until the screw makes contact with the electronic unit injector.

1. Turn the adjustment screw through 180 degrees in a clockwise direction.

1. Tighten the locknut to a torque of 55 ± 10 N·m (41 ± 7 lb ft).

Adjusting the Variable Valve Actuator Lash

The valve lash must be set prior to setting the lash for the variable valve actuator.

Use the following procedure to adjust the lash for the variable valve actuator:

Put the No. 1 piston at the top center position on the compression stroke. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston". The valve lash must be set before the lash of the variable valve actuator can be adjusted. Also, the valve cover base must be torqued before the lash of the variable valve actuator can be adjusted.

Table 2TC Compression Stroke Inlet Rocker Arm

Variable Valve Actuator Lash

0.610 ± 0.075 mm (0.0240 ± 0.0030 inch)

Cylinders 1-2-4

1. Adjust lash for the variable valve actuator according to Table 2.

1. Loosen the jam nut.

1. Place the appropriate feeler gauge between the actuator piston and the rocker arm. Then, turn the adjustment screw in a clockwise direction. Slide the feeler gauge between the actuator piston and the rocker arm. Continue turning the adjustment screw until the piston of the variable valve Actuator prevents the feeler gauge from being removed. There should be a tight hold on the feeler gauge. Turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise in order to loosen the feeler gauge. Refer to Table 2 for the correct variable valve actuator lash. Remove the feeler gauge.

1. Tighten the jam nut to a torque of 50 ± 10 N·m (37 ± 7 lb ft). Do not allow the adjustment screw to turn while you are tightening the jam nut. Recheck the lash setting after tightening the jam nut.

1. Remove the timing bolt and turn the flywheel by 360 degrees in the direction of engine rotation. This will put the No. 6 piston at the top center position on the compression stroke. Install the timing bolt in the flywheel.

Table 3TC Exhaust Stroke Inlet Rocker Arm

Variable Valve Actuator Lash

0.610 ± 0.075 mm (0.0240 ± 0.0030 inch)

Cylinders 3-5-6

1. Adjust lash for the variable valve actuator according to Table 3.

1. Loosen the jam nut.

1. Place the appropriate feeler gauge between the actuator piston and the rocker arm. Then, turn the adjustment screw in a clockwise direction. Slide the feeler gauge between the actuator piston and the rocker arm. Continue turning the adjustment screw until the piston of variable valve actuator prevents the feeler gauge from being removed. There should be a tight hold on the feeler gauge. Turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise in order to loosen the feeler gauge. Refer to Table 3 for the correct variable valve actuator lash setting. Remove the feeler gauge.

1. Tighten the jam nut to a torque of 50 ± 10 N·m (37 ± 7 lb ft). Do not allow the adjustment screw to turn while you are tightening the jam nut. Recheck the lash setting after tightening the jam nut.

Remove the timing bolt from the flywheel after all adjustments have been made. Reinstall the timing cover.

The valve lash must be adjusted before adjusting the Cat compression brake lash.

Table 1Setting Tightening torque for the jam nut

0.9398 mm (0.037 inch)

15 ± 3 N·m (11 ± 2 lb ft)

Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust".

The Cat compression brake lash is measured between the Cat compression brake pin and the exhaust rocker pad. Make all adjustments while the engine is stopped and the exhaust valves are closed.

Use the following procedure to adjust the slave piston lash on cylinders 1, 3, and 5:

Make sure that the Cat compression brake pin is centered in the housing. Place the appropriate feeler gauge between the Cat compression brake pin and the exhaust rocker pad. Then, turn the adjustment screw in a clockwise direction. Slide the feeler gauge between the Cat compression brake pin and the exhaust rocker pad. Continue turning the adjustment screw until a slight drag is felt on the feeler gauge. Remove the feeler gauge.

1. Tighten jam nut (1) to a torque of 15 ± 3 N·m (11 ± 2 lb ft). Recheck the slave piston lash after tightening the locknut.

1. Remove the timing bolt and turn the flywheel by 360 degrees in the direction of engine rotation. This will put the No. 6 piston at the top center position on the compression stroke. Install the timing bolt in the flywheel.

To adjust the slave piston lash on cylinders 2, 4, and 6, perform Steps 2 through 4.

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CAT hot line at 877-777-3126


Themenstarteram 18. September 2011 um 9:27

Danke Rüdiger!!!

Na dann werden wa mal schauen wenn CAT aus Amman da war, die sollen mit mir zusammen den Motor prüfen und Ich soll dann ne Aussage treffen um dann im Anschluß die Instandsetzung auszuführen....

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