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- Dubioser Verkäufer bei mobile.de???
Dubioser Verkäufer bei mobile.de???
ich habe vorhin einen nahezu perfekten Bora 1,9 TDI 101 PS bei mobile gefunden. Er war von 2002 mit gerade mal 110tkm und absoluter vollausstattung. Auf den fotos sah der Wagen sehr gepflegt aus. Kosten hätte er 4300 euro, was mir sehr günstig vor kam. Er war von Privat und stand in Schlüsselfeld. Da keine Telefonnr. angegeben war, habe ich eine mail geschrieben.
Gerade habe ich folgende mail zurückbekommen. Habt ihr sowas schon mal erlebt? Ich werde wohl nicht antworten
Als Anhang war noch ein foto eines älteren Paares und eins vom Auto.
I would like to thank you for your interest and i appreciate your intention of buying my Vw Bora.The car works and stands in perfect condition, i never had any problems with the engine.
The price is 3400 EURO and i believe it is convenient for us both.
We live in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen (København), located in the Hovedstaden region, a beautiful place on the Sjælland island.
We had a nice place to stay during our summer and winter holidays in Schlüsselfeld.This is the reason why the car has still deutsche plates and german registration. I bought it from Germany and i am the first owner. It is 100% a german car.
The reason for selling it now is that we are a nice couple of pensioners (i have 64 and my beloved wife has 63 years old), we love spending our time (and money) travelling around the world by plane, so a car is no more useful for us. Also we sold our holiday house in Germany and bought a nice house with a big yard here in Dänemark.
If you agree and you are decided for a meeting to see the car and make a test-drive we are ready to make a trip to Germany and meet you personally.
I am sure that we will find a nice city in Germany to arrange a meeting, a region acceptable for us and for you in the same time.
Please tell us, where do you live? We would like to know more about you so we can propose you an appointment.
We have the faith that this will be a good deal!
With kindly danish regards,
Robert Geertsen
PS: My German is limited at just a few words so i wish a lot to continue our conversation in English.
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ich habe ebenfalls ein tolles Fahrzeug auf mobile.de entdeckt (am 26.02.2012)-ein BMW 330d Touring mit Vollausstattung, wenige Kilometer runter und für nur 3950 €. Habe den Verkäufer sofort angeschrieben und im Laufe des Tages hat er geantwortet (dasselbe Schreiben wie oben und ebenfalls zwei Fotos). Auszug aus der Mail:
I would like to thank you for your interest and i appreciate your intention of buying my BMW 330d.The car works and stands in perfect condition, i never had any problems with the engine.
The price is 3950 EURO and i believe it is convenient for us both.
We live in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen (København), located in the Hovedstaden region, a beautiful place on the Sjælland island.
We had a nice place to stay during our summer and winter holidays in Pforzheim.This is the reason why the car has still deutsche plates and german registration. I bought it from Germany and i am the first owner. It is 100% a german car.
The reason for selling it now is that we are a nice couple of pensioners (i have 64 and my beloved wife has 63 years old), we love spending our time (and money) travelling around the world by plane, so a car is no more useful for us. Also we sold our holiday house in Germany and bought a nice house with a big yard here in Dänemark.
If you agree and you are decided for a meeting to see the car and make a test-drive we are ready to make a trip to Germany and meet you personally.
I am sure that we will find a nice city in Germany to arrange a meeting, a region acceptable for us and for you in the same time.
Please tell us, where do you live? We would like to know more about you so we can propose you an appointment.
We have the faith that this will be a good deal!
With kindly danish regards,
Robert Geertsen
PS: My German is limited at just a few words so i wish a lot to continue our conversation in English.
Wir hatten tatsächlich vor uns zu treffen...
ABER zum Glück haben wir diesen Beitrag zufällig gefunden!
Na da würd ich sagen, gerade nochmal glück gehabt.
Wollte er schon ne Anzahlung haben?
Heute früh habe ich diese Mail von diesem Herren erhalten:
I am glad to inform you about the place of our meeting, at ELYSEE Hotel AG Hamburg (Rothenbaumchaussee 10, D-20148 Hamburg).We will arrive there on Friday evening and we will have our meeting on Saturday morning.
I am ready to meet you as we agreed and finish the deal. I want to be sure that you will come to the meeting and that you are prepared to buy the car (financially) before we will drive 500 km.
I consulted my wife and we have a proposal for you. This will bring us a little guarantee that we will really meet.
My wife Annelise will go to the Western Union Office here in Copenhagen and she will transfer 3900 EURO to my name to Germany, Hamburg(our meeting place). I will be the beneficiary of 3900 EURO in Hamburg.
This will be our proof for you that we will be there to meet you! As soon as the transfer is finished i will scan the paper of my transfer and i will send it to you by e-mail!
The same thing I want from you! Your wife or a good friend of yours can go to the Western Union Office there in your town to any DEUTSCHE POSTBANK (this is the place in Germany in association with Western Union) and do a transfer of 3900 EURO TO YOUR NAME with destination Hamburg.I want to see you the beneficiary of 3900 EURO in Hamburg!This will be the proof for me that you have the money and you will come there to meet me!
My point is that after i will see this transfer done to your name i will be sure that you will be there and we will go together to the WesternUnion in Hamburg to take our money back.
Maybe you are worried about the transfer tax that your wife will pay about 190euro maximum, but because this is my condition, i will give you the money-tax back when we will meet or we can deducted it from the car cost,it is no problem from our side.
One more thing you have to know, there is no need for a bank account. This is a transfer person-to-person which is instant. And my condition is to see you HERR XXXXX the Beneficiary (Empfänger) of this transfer so i can be sure about your personal presence to the meeting, the coming of a man (Strong Principle of mine).
If you will read my e-mail carefully you will understand that it is a fair thing for both sides, and this will be a guarantee for us that we will not come to the meeting without any result.
We cannot come to Germany such a long road without having the insurance that we will meet each other.
This is our ONLY condition in this deal and we hope you can respect it so we can have an honorable deal.
We will be waiting for your message and we are sure that we will receive a positive answer.
Spätestens nach dieser Mail würde ich diesen Verkäufer als Betrüger sehen und würde Ihn nach Hamburg anreisen lassen, aber selbst nicht erscheinen. Aber er verlangt ja mitlerweile 3900 €, für ein Auto das ich nicht gesehen habe ... Naja die Traum-blase mit dem Wagen ist geplatzt
Du glaubst der reist an? Da steckt ein andrer schmäh dahinter aber jedenfalls BETRUGALARM!!!
Ja hätte mir gedacht
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Besser, sich eine Ausrede einfallen lassen und die Geschichte schnell wieder vergessen...
Nochmal Glück gehabt. Wollten sie schon eine Anzahlung?
Ich würde einfach gar nicht mehr reagieren.
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