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- HEICO SPORTIV four pipe exhaust system C70 D5 incl. diffusor
HEICO SPORTIV four pipe exhaust system C70 D5 incl. diffusor
Hello guys,
for first I would excuse my self because I'm writing in English, but my writing in German is not perfect so I don't want to make a mess.
Before 4 months ago I have bought Volvo C70 D5a Summum 2007 (180PS) inclusively complete external Heico Exterior pack with four pipe exhaust system + diffusor.
Is it normal that sound with this exhaust system in connection with D5 engine is only an make-up ( sound of exhaust system is crap = no sound at all) or my Volvo garage have made some mistake? On Heico site it is written that it has been build for T5 and D5 engines.
I have searched on net about this topic but ther is nothing writen about it.
For example sound on D5 engine and Donsilencioso exhaust system is amazing.
Do you have any tips how exhaust sound could be improved and if this is normal?
If I upgrade engine unit with Heico or kit to 205PS would it help?
Thanks in advance
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Well i have no idea but i'll translate it into german, so maybe someone can answer...
also, auch wenn ich keine Ahnung hab werd ich das ma übersetzen, zum wohle der Allgemeinheit, allerdings stark gekürzt
Kollege Alex hat nen C70 D5 mit Heico vollverspoilerung( ) und der 4-Rohr Abgasanlage (anmerkung des Übersetzers: Understatement pur, aber bei 180Ps sind 4 rohre minimum
Leider Röhrt der Elch wohl nicht gut genug. Seine Frage ist nun, ob das am D5 liegt, ob seine Werkstatt mist gebaut hat, oder ob das Tuning von Heico da noch was bring(was wohl auszuschließen ist...)
Tom thanks a lot for your help.
Ich hab mich früher auch immer für einen Sportauspuff für meinen D5 interessiert. Mußte mittlerweile aber irgendwie einsehen, dass der wohl soundmäßig nicht so viel bringt. Richtig viel bringt nur der Eisenmann-Auspuff am 3er BMW. Das klingt wirklich geil.
Um das zu hören, muß man sich entweder auf der Eisenmannhomepage durchklicken oder mal bei youtube entsprechende Suchbegriffe eingeben.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7eunW70UXY oder
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsxjnKHcGTs&feature=related.....das sind wohl die besten Links.
Habe schon selbst gesucht, ob es entsprechende Takes von Volvos gibt, aber habe leider nichts mit so einem Donnersound gefunden.
Wer im übrigen auf fetten Dieselsound steht, findet bei youtube auch noch andere gute Beispiele. Einfach mal suchen.
Guido mate thanks for tip. Eisenmann sound great on BMW! Pity they don't make exhaust for Volvo ;( I called Heico today to complain about it and they will give me a feedback till tomorrow, it if no solution now really thinking to sell my D5 and to go for T5 engine.
It is really frustrating to give a couple of K€ for peace of crap.... only for make-up.
Guys thanks one more time on your inputs
Sorry to say this, but (regardless the Eisenman-Example) - the sound will remain pretty poor, no matter what exhaust you'll use. It's the nature of a Diesel due to the different combustion process...
Original geschrieben von SpecTral
Sorry to say this, but (regardless the Eisenman-Example) - the sound will remain pretty poor, no matter what exhaust you'll use. It's the nature of a Diesel due to the different combustion process...
No questions asked.. you are right but if Heico is quoting that this exhaust system is specially build for D5 engines and at the time it is possible to produce a good sound with diesel engines(what we have seen from Videos ), then it is really a pity that premium brand like Heico is folding the truth. Luckily I'm working in corp that is Q1 supplier in Automotive industry(for BMW,Volvo,DC...) and in this case rules are really strickt. You can't sell mist to premium customers.
Guido check this link.
Sound is not so bad with donsilencioso exhaust.
What do you think?
Hi Alexander,
I checked out this video before I read this thread.
My oppinion was that it sounds quite poor compared to the Eisenmann-sound or the sound of an Ottoengine:-(
Check out this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvVz_98Sohs especially from 4:53, great sound when it starts reversing
and many more....
Enjoy it!
Original geschrieben von Guido V70 D5
Hi Alexander,
I checked out this video before I read this thread.
My oppinion was that it sounds quite poor compared to the Eisenmann-sound or the sound of an Ottoengine:-(
Check out this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvVz_98Sohs especially from 4:53, great sound when it starts reversing
and many more....
Enjoy it!
That is true still can't understand how Eisenmann is producing this sound. Heico team called me today and said that this exhaust was made only for T5 engine! Heico thank you very much for help ;(. Explanation: "with diesel engines there is no big air pressure on exhaust so it is normal that Heico exhaust in combination with D5 engine don't make any sound". So mates if you have D5 don't buy Hecio exhausts because it is only make-up art.
Guido thanks a lot for your inputs.
P.S "somebody is interested to buy Heico C70 D5 ?" ha ha aha
Original geschrieben von Guido V70 D5
Hi Alexander,
I checked out this video before I read this thread.
My oppinion was that it sounds quite poor compared to the Eisenmann-sound or the sound of an Ottoengine:-(
Check out this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvVz_98Sohs especially from 4:53, great sound when it starts reversing
and many more....
Enjoy it!
Mate please check next web site http://www.heicosportiv.de/mainframe.asp?lang=de&e1=547 go under HEICO SPORTIV Doppelrohr-Abgasanlage V70 2.4D, D5 .
Compare sound from normal-serial D5 exhaust and Heico exhaust system.
First Heico is saying that is not possible to generate good sound with D5 engines and now they make one system that for me has perfect sound.
Strange ay?
I dont know if this sound is perfect. It may sound better than the sound of the standard exhaust system.
But it is not by far as good at the Eisenmann sound on the BMW Diesel.
The problem is that all these sounds are taken when the engine is idling. They just press the gas pedal and take the sound most likely directly at the exhaust pipe. But do you sit there when you are driving?
Much more interesting would it be to know how the sound is from inside when you are accelerating.
Maybe you should ask Eisenmann if the can refit your car with an exhaust system?
P.S.: Maybe it would be the best to buy an old Volvo 850 with a normal fuel engine. Its sound was marvellous, you dont need a sports exhaust system and save a lot of money:-)
Original geschrieben von Guido V70 D5
I dont know if this sound is perfect. It may sound better than the sound of the standard exhaust system.
But it is not by far as good at the Eisenmann sound on the BMW Diesel.
The problem is that all these sounds are taken when the engine is idling. They just press the gas pedal and take the sound most likely directly at the exhaust pipe. But do you sit there when you are driving?
Much more interesting would it be to know how the sound is from inside when you are accelerating.
Maybe you should ask Eisenmann if the can refit your car with an exhaust system?
P.S.: Maybe it would be the best to buy an old Volvo 850 with a normal fuel engine. Its sound was marvellous, you dont need a sports exhaust system and save a lot of money:-)
Guido this was really a good one mate . So Volvo 850 here I come!
Probably it is true what you have said about sound recordings so I think I'll forget about Heico. Maybe I'll visit them to say thank you on beautiful make-up on my car.
I have spoken with two colleagues of mine that are working in laboratory in our company (Automotive branch) and they have confirmed that with diesel it is possible to create a quit a cool sound. Main staff is good designed mufflers(Endschalldämpfer) and exhaust pipe diameters.
Check this Website out. Sounds have been taken with 2.0TDI engines inside of car and outside with F.... Skoda Fabia!Seat Leon... aaaaaaaaaaaaa ;-(
Amazing ay mate?
By the way, which country do you come from?
The only sound that I like very good on this side is the Audi 100.
Remember the soundfiles I sent you links to. Do you remember the VW Bus with the 5-cylinder Diesel? This sound was great.
The sound of the Volvo shown on this side is not by far so good if we are honest.
I think the VW Bus does not have a Turboengine and does not have directinjecting either. I think its an older 5-Cylinder 78 HP-Diesel with swirlchamber injection.
Directinjection and Turbocharging make a Diesel just sound relatively poor!! Unfortunately thats a fact.
Sorry, but away from the Audi and the Golf V6 there is no car on the side which makes my heart beat really faster.
Original geschrieben von Guido V70 D5
By the way, which country do you come from?
The only sound that I like very good on this side is the Audi 100.
Remember the soundfiles I sent you links to. Do you remember the VW Bus with the 5-cylinder Diesel? This sound was great.
The sound of the Volvo shown on this side is not by far so good if we are honest.
I think the VW Bus does not have a Turboengine and does not have directinjecting either. I think its an older 5-Cylinder 78 HP-Diesel with swirlchamber injection.
Directinjection and Turbocharging make a Diesel just sound relatively poor!! Unfortunately thats a fact.
Sorry, but away from the Audi and the Golf V6 there is no car on the side which makes my heart beat really faster.
VW T4 sound was awesome. No comments.... I'll make video recording of sound of Heico make-up toys for D5 so then you'll see that is is quit ridicules and why even this VW / Skoda TDI sounds great for me.
Hopefully this guys from Don S. could make something for my C70. I have already contacted them today. Hopefully they will give me an answer soon.
Today I become a proud owner of HEICO SPORTIV VOLUTION® V. 8x19 ET38 rims.
Will post you some pictures soon bro to take a look and thanks one more time on you answers. People like you that are so helpful and friendly are really rare.
BTW you are born on same data as my wife. I'm following you with one day ! (Pisces Volvo club).
Cheers bro