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- I want to buy Audi Q7 2016, 272 KM CRTC engine
I want to buy Audi Q7 2016, 272 KM CRTC engine
Hello everyone,
I am interested in buying used car Audi Q7, 2016, 107 000 km.
It looks nice, has an Audi Select lus guarantee (24 months).
Initially I thought that this could be a perfect choice, although it is quite expensive (about 50k Euros), but I thought it must be a reliable car at this stage.
But then when I asked a friend of mine who knows a little about Audi cars, he said this engine 3.0 TDI 272 KM is the worst engine I could get. Then I searched a little bit, made a few calls and I was really surprised that this seems to be true... like people confirm that this engine with more than 100 000 km, can be potentially almost dead ... and can stop working soon.
Is it really so bad? Do you own such item and maybe you have driven even more without any problems?
I am wondering what is the chance, that I will buy it and get into trouble.
I guess that Audi Select lus can make me feel safe for that 2 years, but after that .... I am going to drive just about 10 000 km / year, so I would expect to have this car for 5-8 years, without having to replace the engine or repair it with high costs.
What do you think?
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18 Antworten
First, beautiful car! Regarding buying it, cant you just extend the Audi select warranty for longer? I know you will need to pay a certain fraction as the mileage is already above 100k, but still it should provide some peace of mind…
Czesc Janusz,
Ja kupilem to auto 4 lata temu, rocznik 2015, 70.000km. Teraz ma 150.000km i chodzi jak zegarek. Wspanialy silnik, naped quattro jest rewelacyjny, z autem nie ma zadnych problemow. W srodku maksymalnie wyciszony. Poprzednio mialem A6 (232KM) z 3.0TDI i sprzedalem je po 11 latach z 350.000km na liczniku. Jezdz nim moj szwagier, motor chodzi bez zarzutu.
El Motor es una puta ! la cadena suele causar problemas.
Saludo André
Llevo 6 años o 197.000 km con este motor: no tiene ningún problema. Consumo total: 9,0 l/100km (evaluación documentada, incluida la calefacción auxiliar).
Guys, guess the discussion would be more fruitful if you sticked to the board rules and wrote in either English or German.
Im Nptfall hilft: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Best Energie ever
Verkaufe ich gerade bei #eBayKleinanzeigen. Wie findest du das?
Als zu teuer.
Anyone with this engine with 200 000 km and no engine service regarding this "camshaft" issue ?
Yes, Check my post above.. Engine and transmission still feel like on the first day.
Anbei die TPI Technische Produktinformation für den CRTC (gibt es für alle Modelle indem dieser Motor Verbaut ist). Wer bisher mit den Baujahren 2016-2018 noch keine Probleme hat , hat entweder schlechte Ohren und Wahrnehmungsgefühl oder noch Glück :-)) die TPI ist nicht umsonst
Q7 motorcode CRT* betroffen 0000001-068896 .
@Konvi_II schrieb am 21. April 2022 um 06:35:10 Uhr:
Yes, Check my post above.. Engine and transmission still feel like on the first day.
Check your Enginenumber
The motor could have failed from day one and you don‘t Know it
@Janusz schrieb am 16. April 2022 um 17:07:35 Uhr:
Hello everyone,
I am interested in buying used car Audi Q7, 2016, 107 000 km.
It looks nice, has an Audi Select
lus guarantee (24 months).
Initially I thought that this could be a perfect choice, although it is quite expensive (about 50k Euros), but I thought it must be a reliable car at this stage.
But then when I asked a friend of mine who knows a little about Audi cars, he said this engine 3.0 TDI 272 KM is the worst engine I could get. Then I searched a little bit, made a few calls and I was really surprised that this seems to be true... like people confirm that this engine with more than 100 000 km, can be potentially almost dead ... and can stop working soon.
Is it really so bad? Do you own such item and maybe you have driven even more without any problems?
I am wondering what is the chance, that I will buy it and get into trouble.
I guess that Audi Select
lus can make me feel safe for that 2 years, but after that .... I am going to drive just about 10 000 km / year, so I would expect to have this car for 5-8 years, without having to replace the engine or repair it with high costs.
What do you think?
i had a 2016 q7 as well. was a new, around 130000km, drove perfectly and then suddenly on highway, motor stopped.
Motor was dead, without advice, no sound, nothing, just dead.
25000€, from which 15000€ were paid by audi.
Indeed, that motor HAS a trouble.