M111 no spark
Im not from Germany and I don't speak German, so many thanks to who can help me in English.
I have an E220 M111.960, yesterday it started to misfire on two cylinders (2 & 3), when I got home, I checked the spark plugs and they were good, however, i cleaned them too, still misfiring, so I checked for sparks on cylinder 2 & 3, there was no spark, I checked the wiries and they are good, tried replacing the spark plug wires between each other, still misfiring, so I got another ignition coil from a friend for free to see if the problem is from the coil, but its not from the coil, because after replacing the coil there was still no spark, now today, there's no spark at all in all 4 cylinders, engine turns, there's fuelgetting to the engine, but no spark on all 4 cyliders.
I have contaced the mechanic and told him what happend, he said it could be the camshaft position sensor or Crankshaft position sensor, I searched in the forums and I think its from the CKP (Crankshaft position sensor). Could it be ?
Thanks for your help.
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I'm back guys, so I bought an ECU from ebay.de and got it today, replaced it.
ECU replaced - Check
Battery connected - Check
and vroooom engine is running nice, 3rd start and it ran great. 1st and 2nd was rough because car has been sitting for over a weak without running).
thanks guys, next is to change motor mount.
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10 Antworten
My english isn't very good, but i hope you understand.
If The camshaft Position Sensor is damaged, then there is no spark of any cylinder.
At First, you Tell us, there is no spark of only two cylinders.
That fault is not from The Camshaft Sensor.
Please Check The Whole Engine wiring harness.
If there is any broken isolation...
It is possible, that there is any broken isolation, & no spark On two cylinders.
At your First Try to fix The Problem, you Are moving The Engine wiring harness, and then more isolations Are damaged. Now there is no spark On any cylinder.
@Steven4880 schrieb am 8. Juli 2015 um 12:25:56 Uhr:
My english isn't very good, but i hope you understand.
If The camshaft Position Sensor is damaged, then there is no spark of any cylinder.
At First, you Tell us, there is no spark of only two cylinders.
That fault is not from The Camshaft Sensor.
Please Check The Whole Engine wiring harness.
If there is any broken isolation...
It is possible, that there is any broken isolation, & no spark On two cylinders.
At your First Try to fix The Problem, you Are moving The Engine wiring harness, and then more isolations Are damaged. Now there is no spark On any cylinder.
Thanks Steven for your help.
I know all the problems about the wiring harness, however, I haven't find any E220 here in my country which has an updtaed wiring harness, they still drive, not perfect... and I've already tried to get an updated wiring hanress when I got the car but I couldn't find any good harness. I will try to change the camshaft sensor first.
Are you 100% sure that first i need to replace the camshaft sensor not the crankshaft sensore ?
sorry, my fault.
crankshaft sensor.
but at first there was no spark on only 2 cylinders! Then thats no fault from the crankshaft sensor.
You can check or change the Overvoltage protection relay (hope the name is right).
If there is any damage, then some Controllers (engine controller...) became no power.
you are welcome
easy test: switch the ignition coils.
i had a bad one (which was new but faulty). switched the coils -> misfire on other cylinders. replaced it : error solved.
Hat er doch schon... aus einem anderen.
Nun geht nix mehr. Deshalb tippe ich ja auf MKB.
tried replacing the spark plug wires between each other, still misfiring, so I got another ignition coil from a friend for free to see if the problem is from the coil, but its not from the coil
I think i got to dodge the ball and find a replacement MKB, I've removed the ABS module and the wiring harness plug, and it seems that the previous owners had done something with the car and a company has their sticker on the engine module.
As you see MKB has been taped with a black tape, dunno what they've done there.
and there's something weird, in the pins of the engine module there's a kind of steel thats between a couple of pins, what do you suggest me to do ?
This is the engine wiring harness (red arrow image)
I do not mean the outer insulation.
I mean the isolation of the individual strands.
Check it On the orher side of the engine.
You have to remove the outer tape.
we agree?
If the isolation is damaged... every move of this part, makes more problems.
@Steven4880 schrieb am 8. Juli 2015 um 15:19:13 Uhr:
This is the engine wiring harness (red arrow image)
I do not mean the outer insulation.
I mean the isolation of the individual strands.
Check it On the orher side of the engine.
You have to remove the outer tape.
we agree?
If the isolation is damaged... every move of this part, makes more problems.
yup, I will check it as soon as I have free time tomorrow and I will report back with some photos.
I saw a white tag attached to it, I couldn't read what's written on the tag because its kinda erased, However, this tag is usually a Delphi tag which indicated when the wiring harness was made, and usually if it has the white tag its an updated wiring harness. I still don't know why there's black tape on the wiring though.
I'm back guys, so I bought an ECU from ebay.de and got it today, replaced it.
ECU replaced - Check
Battery connected - Check
and vroooom engine is running nice, 3rd start and it ran great. 1st and 2nd was rough because car has been sitting for over a weak without running).
thanks guys, next is to change motor mount.
Back again with another problem. Car is hesitating while accelerating, sometimes stalls in low rpm (gear in drive but stopped 0 km/h). This was after I got out of the mechanic, same day. Idle in Nuetral is good but acceleration is not good.
List of what I have done since I have the car (2 years):
1.Fuel pump, filter , and relay.
2.All 4 fuel injectors (USED) (fuel rail).
3.Replaced ECU.
4.Wiring harness checked to be good and is rebuilt by PO.
5.one used coil, switched spark plug wires, and changed spark plugs.
6.No error codes using the scanner (not Star daignostics).