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- Mercedes SL 55 AMG politur & wachs (produkte) Tel-Aviv, Israel
Mercedes SL 55 AMG politur & wachs (produkte) Tel-Aviv, Israel
Looks of polished & waxed by hand car, model 2007. Products used in the pictures. Time from start to finish about 6 hours.
1. car wash (A1 shampoo, Ernst chemie wasch & wachs, Autosol shampoo)
2. reinigungsknette (add little bit of car shampoo or liquid wax to the spray bottle for smother connection of clay bar to the car paint, move in any direction over the paint, from right to left, up down it doen't matter. Then wipe dry with micro towel.
Knetmasse: Autofinesse, Joybond (distributed by RotWeiss), DoDo Juice.
3.Then apply polishing compount (maybe used any good quality polish or finish) to the hand polishing pad (I used Alclear handpolierschwamm brand blue pad), spread in circular movements over 1 area at a time, after 1 minute wipe the area with clean micro towel (good brand is Tornador mikrofaser blau) or any other high quality product.
Politur Mercedes-Benz, Wachs Mercedes-Benz look in the pictures.
4. Proceed with waxing the car, here don't use very hard polierschwamm which are better to use only for polishing, but rather soft, like white or black color, must be very soft to the touch. Again wide dry.
5. If you want to polish the chrome or chrome plated plastics, use Autosol metall politur, Einszett chrome politur, or for chrome plated plastics Autosol chrome politur für verchromte kunstoffe. Other good products are Peek metal polish made in U.K. or NevrDull Made in U.S.A.
6. For wheels reifen-pflege to make them look black & wet use Caramba.
For alloy wheels (aluminium) use Autosol aluminium polish or metal polish, Peek, NevrDull.
7. To clean the leather good products are from Poliboy cleaner, balsam. Or Effax leder reinigung.
8. Klimaanlage disinfektion use Caramba, Tectane.
9. For front window there is a good rain repellent Rain-X, RainClear.
Mark's Best Nano Polish & Wax. http://www.sharkpolitur.webs.com/
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18 Antworten
Wußte gar nicht , dass in Israel solche dekadenten Autos gefahren werden Und Poliermittel gibs sowas in israel
Great work, especially on the chrome trim at the Cadillac Series 62 – thank you for this presentation.
Is it right, that the Caddy has some rust and some flaking in his paintwork? Is there any ways to solve this problem? Okay, it could be very difficult because the Caddy is painted with lacquer, not with enamel, but I think, he's worth to wear a perfect paint coat.
btw: Why does the Cadillac have those yellow-red stickers on the rear bumper?
Original geschrieben von Sokrates2
Wußte gar nicht , dass in Israel solche dekadenten Autos gefahren werden
Und Poliermittel gibs sowas in israel
Du kannst Dir nicht vorstellen was in dieser Gegend (inklusive Nachbarstaaten) für Fahrzeuge auf der Straße sind
@sharkpolitur: nice result and very good job you have done
Thanks for presentation. Used products are not my favorites, but over all it looks good.
The shown rain-x i use on side and rear windows. It usually works, but sometimes by using the rear wiper, there is ghosting on the screen. So i wouldn´t use it on windscreen.
By the way - nice car
Original geschrieben von Memphis_Belle
Great work, especially on the chrome trim at the Cadillac Series 62 – thank you for this presentation.
Is it right, that the Caddy has some rust and some flaking in his paintwork? Is there any ways to solve this problem? Okay, it could be very difficult because the Caddy is painted with lacquer, not with enamel, but I think, he's worth to wear a perfect paint coat.
btw: Why does the Cadillac have those yellow-red stickers on the rear bumper?
The chrome was made by hand with Autosol metallpolitur & microfiber. The car was standing 10Y in the private parking where the guy has his business, without any cover on it or care. It was never washed during this time & always stood outside, in the summer in Tel Aviv hot up to 40 degrees, in the winter rains. The paint was dead full of rust everywhere. As you can see the roof was painted & looks very nice, this is original color as it was in 1956, this Cadillac is two tone. But painting in Israel is very expensive, only roof was about 2,000EUR, to paint all the car is about 6000-8000EUR. This car was bought in 1995 as new in USA for 50,000$ but for some reason the owner just left it outside for 1 decade! This car has a single stage paint, usually it it very easy to recover with a special products. I used Berner Finish politur & lack versiegelung with polishing machine speed about 1000rpm, this works very well on single stage paints. Caddy owner told he needs this car only for 1 day, his son got married & he wanted to bring his bride to the wedding with this car.
I think they will leave this car to die after it. The stickers I think are required for oldtimers in Israel as they don't have enough lighting in the back to be seen as new cars, but I am not sure. It took me 8 hours to make this car, I didn't tried hard because the paint was dead, this car needed new paint not politur, I told the owner first time there is nothing I can do, then in 1 week he called me again. That' the whole story.
Original geschrieben von fschroedie
Thanks for presentation. Used products are not my favorites, but over all it looks good.
The shown rain-x i use on side and rear windows. It usually works, but sometimes by using the rear wiper, there is ghosting on the screen. So i wouldn´t use it on windscreen.
By the way - nice car
Rain-X is old technology ( primary active ingredient are polysiloxanes, the primary one being hydroxy-terminated polydimethylsiloxane. The polysiloxanes have functional groups that bind to the hydroxyl group of the glass surface.) first introduced by Unelko in 1972, now Unlelko developed the new products based on different technology, I use RainClear wipes (1 wipe in a pack), it covers front window with invisible shild that sticks like a glue. Very good quality & inexpensive product, 1.80eur per 1 package, enough to apply front window and side.
Regarding products for politur & wachs, I found out that Mercedes-Benz politur & glanzkonservierer work wonderful, I tried it on my girlfriend's Mercedes 2004 E-Klasse Avantgarde, black metallic, the polish brought paint back to it's original dark character, while glanzkonservierer brought back metallic shine that after 9Y was not seen anymore. It was first time made polish & wax, the results were superb. I highly recommend for Mercedes owners polish & glanzkonservierer from Mercedes-Benz.
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
Regarding products for politur & wachs, I found out that Mercedes-Benz politur & glanzkonservierer work wonderful, I tried it on my girlfriend's Mercedes 2004 E-Klasse Avantgarde, black metallic, the polish brought paint back to it's original dark character, while glanzkonservierer brought back metallic shine that after 9Y was not seen anymore. It was first time made polish & wax, the results were superb. I highly recommend for Mercedes owners polish & glanzkonservierer from Mercedes-Benz.
Photos, photos, photos! Not of your girlfriend ... of her car I like to see more shiny black Mercedes E-Klasse W211 on Motor-Talk.
As I know a lot of Mercedes Benz polish products are from Koch Chemie but I´m not 100% sure. The other way around some Koch Chemie products got the Mercedes Benz certification, for example the Koch Chemie Hochglanz-Antihologramm Politur. Normally I don´t like products labeled with Mercedes Benz or other car manufacturer because it´s all bought in addition with a nice label of the manufacturer on and often more expensive than the original product. And always you don´t know what you get. As I know recently Mercedes Benz changed their leather products ... other price, other substance, perplex customers.
And I don´t like 2in1-combinations like polish & wax products. In my opinion it´s better to use single products ... a polish and a nice carnauba wax afterwards. But I don´t know Mercedes-Benz politur & glanzkonservierer so I don´t have to judge. If it works it works
Oh boy, I have to improve my english ...
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
... I use RainClear wipes (1 wipe in a pack), it covers front window with invisible shild that sticks like a glue. Very good quality & inexpensive product, 1.80eur per 1 package, enough to apply front window and side.
Regarding products for politur & wachs, I found out that Mercedes-Benz politur & glanzkonservierer work wonderful, I tried it on my girlfriend's Mercedes 2004 E-Klasse Avantgarde, black metallic, the polish brought paint back to it's original dark character, while glanzkonservierer brought back metallic shine that after 9Y was not seen anymore. It was first time made polish & wax, the results were superb. I highly recommend for Mercedes owners polish & glanzkonservierer from Mercedes-Benz.
Yeah, sorry, that´s what i meant. I use this rain clear too and sometimes have this ghosting. Nothing for my windscreen. Lots of users like Ombrello Scheibenversiegelung. This would be the next thing i try.
About these polish&wax-products i have the same opinion as Dischu. I think, you will got more shine and also better conservation with single products.
@ Dischu:
A former german Football player said: "My english is not so good. My german is much better." Your english is much better than of this guy. Know who i mean?
Original geschrieben von DiSchu
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
Regarding products for politur & wachs, I found out that Mercedes-Benz politur & glanzkonservierer work wonderful, I tried it on my girlfriend's Mercedes 2004 E-Klasse Avantgarde, black metallic, the polish brought paint back to it's original dark character, while glanzkonservierer brought back metallic shine that after 9Y was not seen anymore. It was first time made polish & wax, the results were superb. I highly recommend for Mercedes owners polish & glanzkonservierer from Mercedes-Benz.
Photos, photos, photos! Not of your girlfriend ... of her car
I like to see more shiny black Mercedes E-Klasse W211 on Motor-Talk.
As I know a lot of Mercedes Benz polish products are from Koch Chemie but I´m not 100% sure. The other way around some Koch Chemie products got the Mercedes Benz certification, for example the Koch Chemie Hochglanz-Antihologramm Politur. Normally I don´t like products labeled with Mercedes Benz or other car manufacturer because it´s all bought in addition with a nice label of the manufacturer on and often more expensive than the original product. And always you don´t know what you get. As I know recently Mercedes Benz changed their leather products ... other price, other substance, perplex customers.
And I don´t like 2in1-combinations like polish & wax products. In my opinion it´s better to use single products ... a polish and a nice carnauba wax afterwards. But I don´t know Mercedes-Benz politur & glanzkonservierer so I don´t have to judge. If it works it works
Oh boy, I have to improve my english ...
These are 2 different products, I think you are right regarding Koch Chemie they make it for Mercedes, but why to try something else if Mercedes politur & glanzkorservierer was the best?
Here is politur description:
Bestellnr.: A 000 986 46 74
Hinweis: Fahrzeug vor der Anwendung gründlich reinigen und immer nur Teilflächen behandeln.
Schleifmittelhaltige Reinigungs- und Pflegeemulsion für neuwertige oder leicht beanspruchte Lacke
Enthält natürliches Carnaubawachs
Für streifenfreien Tiefenglanz ohne Grauschleier und viele Wochen anhaltenden Schutz
Here is glanzkonservieren description:
Bestellnr.: A 000 986 44 74
Zur Versiegelung für neuwertige und gereinigte Lacke sowie zur Pflege und zum Schutz von Kunststoff- und Gummiteilen
Erhält den bestehenden Glanzgrad
Kann sofort nach der Wagenwäsche ohne vorheriges Abledern angewendet werden und ist besonders leicht auspolierbar
The price for each 500ml bottle about 10 EUR.
This is how girlfriends car looked in 2008 look pic (4Y!) today after 9Y it looks X10 better, thanks to Mercedes politur & glanzkonservierer.
I don't have new photos after polish & wax I made in October, but when we parked car in Bad Nauheim other people who parked near by looked at her car, because it was so shining & looked so special for 9Y car I suppose.
Original geschrieben von fschroedie
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
... I use RainClear wipes (1 wipe in a pack), it covers front window with invisible shild that sticks like a glue. Very good quality & inexpensive product, 1.80eur per 1 package, enough to apply front window and side.
Regarding products for politur & wachs, I found out that Mercedes-Benz politur & glanzkonservierer work wonderful, I tried it on my girlfriend's Mercedes 2004 E-Klasse Avantgarde, black metallic, the polish brought paint back to it's original dark character, while glanzkonservierer brought back metallic shine that after 9Y was not seen anymore. It was first time made polish & wax, the results were superb. I highly recommend for Mercedes owners polish & glanzkonservierer from Mercedes-Benz.
Yeah, sorry, that´s what i meant. I use this rain clear too and sometimes have this ghosting. Nothing for my windscreen. Lots of users like Ombrello Scheibenversiegelung. This would be the next thing i try.
About these polish&wax-products i have the same opinion as Dischu. I think, you will got more shine and also better conservation with single products.
@ Dischu:
A former german Football player said: "My english is not so good. My german is much better." Your english is much better than of this guy. Know who i mean?
You are right regarding RainClear, immediately after application it covers window with glue like cover, but I see that after 1 car wash this imperfection is completely removed or even after big rain with wipers. To apply it even better, the window & hands must be perfectly clean. That's why Rain-X is easier to apply & 100ml or 200ml bottle is enough for many applications.
Each 2nd or 4th time after car wash I apply Rain-X & it makes the job, hold easily 4 weeks.
My beautiful girlfriend loves Mercedes I hope her next car will be Brabus or at least AMG.
With her car she had spent on all repairs from 2004 only about 1500-2000EUR and even so she was angry: Why I have to pay at all?, it's Mercedes. I don't know other car manufacturer where you spend so little on repairs in 10Y. I recognize only Mercedes as a car, there is a saying: There are cars, and there is Mercedes. I met 1 guy not long ago in Bauhaus baumarkt who bought new Seat and in 4Y he had to pay repairs 13,000EUR. People with other cars don't understand the difference between VW, BMW, Opel and Mercedes.
It's better to pay more at once than to pay less now & pay more later. Greed works against you, always.
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
You are right regarding RainClear, immediately after application it covers window with glue like cover, but I see that after 1 car wash this imperfection is completely removed or even after big rain with wipers. To apply it even better, the window & hands must be perfectly clean. That's why Rain-X is easier to apply & 100ml or 200ml bottle is enough for many applications.
Each 2nd or 4th time after car wash I apply Rain-X & it makes the job, hold easily 4 weeks.
After washing I polished rear window with glaspolish and exzenter-machine. After polishing I wiped all off with IPA. I think, the screen was definetly clean. You are right, sometimes ghosting is less or more. But at the moment par example, rear screen is covered with dewdrops in the early morning. Car port is too short so the rear screen sticks out. When using the rear wiper, there´s a lot of ghosting. I won´t imagine having this ghosting on my windscreen while driving.
Jep, Mercedes Benz is a well quality car. Neveretheless I more like BMW. Mercedes I will buy when I´m older than 60 Okay, Brabus would be okay for younger generation
Original geschrieben von fschroedie
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
You are right regarding RainClear, immediately after application it covers window with glue like cover, but I see that after 1 car wash this imperfection is completely removed or even after big rain with wipers. To apply it even better, the window & hands must be perfectly clean. That's why Rain-X is easier to apply & 100ml or 200ml bottle is enough for many applications.
Each 2nd or 4th time after car wash I apply Rain-X & it makes the job, hold easily 4 weeks.
After washing I polished rear window with glaspolish and exzenter-machine. After polishing I wiped all off with IPA. I think, the screen was definetly clean. You are right, sometimes ghosting is less or more. But at the moment par example, rear screen is covered with dewdrops in the early morning. Car port is too short so the rear screen sticks out.
When using the rear wiper, there´s a lot of ghosting. I won´t imagine having this ghosting on my windscreen while driving.
Jep, Mercedes Benz is a well quality car. Neveretheless I more like BMW. Mercedes I will buy when I´m older than 60
Okay, Brabus would be okay for younger generation
I heard about glass polishes though I never used it, suppose the glass polish repairs very small stone chips, some minor scratches?
In my case I instead use Riefen-Killer, it brings wipers back as new so they are straight where they touch the glass & clean the windshield without leaving some areas less clean.
Avoid cheap imitators, if you like it buy only original.
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
I heard about glass polishes though I never used it, suppose the glass polish repairs very small stone chips, some minor scratches?
In my case I instead use Riefen-Killer, it brings wipers back as new so they are straight where they touch the glass & clean the windshield without leaving some areas less clean.
Avoid cheap imitators, if you like it buy only original.
No, basically glas polish is to purify the surface. Some users report they had eliminated very tiny scratches, but it was very very hard and long lasting work. So, maybe it could work. I used glas polish to smothen minor scratches and mainly to clean the screen. Stone chips you won´t get removed with polishing I think. In this case it should be repaired by carglass.
Original geschrieben von fschroedie
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
I heard about glass polishes though I never used it, suppose the glass polish repairs very small stone chips, some minor scratches?
In my case I instead use Riefen-Killer, it brings wipers back as new so they are straight where they touch the glass & clean the windshield without leaving some areas less clean.
Avoid cheap imitators, if you like it buy only original.
No, basically glas polish is to purify the surface. Some users report they had eliminated very tiny scratches, but it was very very hard and long lasting work. So, maybe it could work. I used glas polish to smothen minor scratches and mainly to clean the screen. Stone chips you won´t get removed with polishing I think. In this case it should be repaired by carglass.
I can imagine that in some cases one really needs glass polish, but for me what is more important is rain repellents during rainy season & polishing waxing a car is a priority, same as shiny alloy wheels, black&wet looking tires, clear headlights, clean leather, nice smell inside free of bacteria, viruses, mushrooms, bad odor. Nobody sees what motor they have but everybody sees how car looks outside, when car shines in a day or night that's what I love the most.