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Motorkontrollleuchte an, gefühlt fehlt ein wenig die Leistung, Kurztest vorhanden

Mercedes E-Klasse
Themenstarteram 14. Juli 2024 um 18:40

Hallo zusammen,

ich hab meinen S213, BJ 17, 77tkm, 220 CDI vor 6 Monaten bei MB gekauft. Auto fährt nur meine Frau, da es mehr Platz für die Kinder bietet. Aktuell ist er bei fast 80tkm. Ich habe den Fehlerspeicher ausgelesen und gebe das Auto diese Woche zu MB in die Werkstatt (MB 100 vorhanden). Wollte mal in die Runde fragen, ob es sich hier um Kleinigkeiten handelt oder ob ich bei einer Fehlermeldung etwas genauer nachfragen sollte. Auch interessant wäre für mich, ob die Garantie für diese Reparatur auch greift.

N3/9 - Motor electronics 'MRD1' for combustion engine 'OM654/OM656' (CDI)P054496Temperature sensor 1 'Exhaust system' (cylinder bank 1) has an electrical fault. There is an internal component fault.
N80 - Steering column module (SCM)B1E9F4BThe steering wheel electronics has a malfunction. There is a fault due to overtemperature. If there is no specific customer complaint, ignore the fault code.
N69/1 - Left front door (DCU-LF)B169615The output for mirror dimming has a malfunction. There is a short circuit to positive or an open circuit.
N121/1 - Tailgate control (HKS)B188C2AThe electric motor for the 'trunk lid/liftgate control' has a malfunction. There is no signal change.


Hier noch mehr Details zum ersten Fehler. Ich mach das nur so ausführlich, da ich das Auto mit ca. 77 tkm gekauft habe. Das erste mal ist der Fehler laut Diagnose bei 76 tkm gekommen...

NameFirst occurrenceLast occurrence
Intake air pressure downstream of air filter ( B28/11 (Pressure sensor downstream of air filter) ) EnvBlk_AirFilOutPSnsr_P100hPa100hPa
B2/5b1 (Intake air temperature sensor)13.00°C37.00°C
Intake air pressure Plausibility958hPa940hPa
Atmospheric pressure964hPa944hPa
Air mass (raw value) EnvBlk_AmsPwm_TPerd721.00?s518.00?s
Battery voltage14.7V14.7V
B11/5 (Charge air cooler coolant temperature sensor) U630 (Valid for USA and Canada) The signal 'B11/5 (Charge air cooler coolant temperature sensor)' is registered by the component 'N127 (Drivetrain control unit)' and transmitted via the CAN bus to the control unit 'N3/9 (CDI control unit)'.10.00°C35.00°C
B17/11 (Temperature sensor upstream of charge air cooler) U630 (Valid for USA and Canada) EnvBlk_CacInTpSnsr_Tp0.00°C0.00°C
B17/8 (Charge air temperature sensor) ( Unfiltered value ) EnvBlk_CacOutTpSnsr_Tp41.00°C49.00°C
Operating modeNormal modeRegeneration of diesel particulate filter
Status of combustion engineCombustion engine RUNNINGCombustion engine RUNNING
Offset value of component 'B28/8 (DPF differential pressure sensor)'EnvBlk_DpfPDifAdpn_POfs15.0hPa6.0hPa
Pressure differential in diesel particulate filter (raw value) EnvBlk_DpfPDifSnsrSent_CtrPDif1152.00496.00
Temperature in component 'B28/8 (DPF differential pressure sensor)' EnvBlk_DpfPDifTpSnsr_Tp0.00°C0.00°C
B11/4 (Coolant temperature sensor) EnvBlk_EngCoolTpSnsr_Tp91.00°C93.00°C
Fill level of engine oil ENVBLK_ENGOILMPLSNSR_S113.00mm109.00mm
Engine oil temperature EnvBlk_EngOilMplSnsr_Tp42.00°C77.00°C
B40/4 (Oil pressure sensor) EnvBlk_EngOilPSnsr_P4.61bar2.43bar
Engine speed3000.00 1/min1500.00 1/min
Torque request by intake air system324.00Nm108.00Nm
Ambient temperature9°C18°C
Outside temperature (raw value)10.00°C18.00°C
B50 (Fuel temperature sensor) ( Unfiltered value ) EnvBlk_FuT pSnsr_Tp32.00°C56.00°C
Offset value of component 'B28/18 (Low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation differential pressure sensor)' EnvBlk_LpegrPDifAdpn_POfs10.00bar0.00bar
Counter B28/18 (Low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation differential pressure sensor) EnvBlk_LpegrPDifSent_CtrPOut2704.002752.00
Counter B28/18 (Low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation differential pressure sensor) EnvBlk_LpegrPDifSent_Ctr944.00640.00
B28/18 (Low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation differential pressure sensor) EnvBlk_LpegrPDifSnsr_PDif10.05bar0.01bar
B157/2 (Low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation temperature sensor) EnvBlk_LpegrTpSnsr_Tp80.00°C74.00°C
Air mass440.00kg/h132.00kg/h
Temperature sensor upstream of diesel particulate filter 345.00°C 570.00°C 17B12 (Exhaust back pressure sensor downstream of diesel particulate filter (DPF))60.0hPa12.0hPa
Diesel particulate filter Differential pressure sensor270.0hPa70.0hPa
Development data (EnvBlk_DpfPDifSnsrSent_CtrPOut)1056.00912.00
Development data (EnvBlk_ThrOutPSnsr_P)2944hPa1584hPa
Development data (EnvBlk_TrbInPSnsr_P)3456hPa1760hPa
Development data (EnvBlk_Cmpr1OutPSnsr_P)0hPa0hPa
Development data (EnvBlk_DPF_VEF)774.20m^3/h343.00m^3/h
Development data (EnvBlk_DevLib_stPwrStgEnaCond)0.000.00
Development data (EnvBlk_Dspl_EngShutOff_Time)1275.00min40.00min
Position of exhaust gas recirculation positioner (actual value)26.80%0.00%
Development data (EnvBlk_EgrvPosn_Perc)23.20%0.00%
Development data (EnvBlk_EngOilTpSnsr_Tp)87.00°C94.00°C
Development data (EnvBlk_FuPSnsr_P)4.61bar4.74bar
Development data (EnvBlk_HpegrTpSnsr_Tp)0.00°C0.00°C
Development data (EnvBlk_IchDetn_CtrStAcv)0.00128.00
Development data (EnvBlk_IgnSwRun_Mode)1.001.00
Development data (EnvBlk_LpegrOutPSnsr_P) Exhaust pressure100.0hPa100.0hPa
Development data (EnvBlk_OxiInTpSnsr_Tp)485.00°C535.00°C
Development data (EnvBlk_SnsrTpOfsChkRef_Tp)6.00°C0.00°C
Development data (EnvBlk_SwSADa_stDPSENTSlow0h01_Byte1_MSB)0.000.00
Development data (EnvBlk_SwSADa_stDPSENTSlow0h01_Byte2_LSB)0.000.00
Development data (EnvBlk_SwSADa_stEGTSENTSlow0h01_Byte1_MSB)8.008.00
Development data (EnvBlk_SwSADa_stEGTSENTSlow0h01_Byte2_LSB)3.003.00
Development data (EnvBlk_SwSADa_stEGTSENTSlow0h23)255.00255.00
Development data (EnvBlk_SwSADa_stLPEGRPSENTSlow0h01_Byte1_MSB)0.000.00
Development data (EnvBlk_SwSADa_stLPEGRPSENTSlow0h01_Byte2_LSB)0.000.00
Development data (EnvBlk_SyC_stSub)4.004.00
Development data (EnvBlk_TrbInTpSent_Ctr)4080.004080.00
Development data (EnvBlk_TrbInTpSnsr_Tp)1235.00°C1235.00°C
Frequency counter---82.00
Main odometer reading76016.00km79104.00km
Operating cycle counter---3.00


Danke für eure Hilfe.


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3 Antworten

Du hast auch noch Gewährleistung (12 Monate, ab Kauf).

Sollte dich nix kosten, außer Zeit.

Bzw. 24 Monate Gewährleistung und nach 12 Monaten gilt dann die Beweislastumkehr.

Themenstarteram 27. Juli 2024 um 17:32

So Auto war letzte Woche bei MB und es wurden die Sensoren für die Abgastemperatur getauscht. Auto läuft wieder prima

Deine Antwort
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