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New 430D or used 640D

8 Antworten
Themenstarteram 1. April 2016 um 19:59

Sup guys, I am looking to purchase a new vehicle and I am stuck with this decision:

I have 55,000 Euro in cash to purchase a coupe BMW.

I can chose between:

1. Brand new BMW 430D with M Packet


2. Slightly used BMW 640D with M Packet First Owner, Premium Selection, Max 35,000KM with Europlus Warranty 2 Years

Example: https://gebrauchtwagen.bmw.de/CarSearch/Details/1436807/4


Both will be purchased from a BMW Niederlassung

Both will have warranty (except the used one will be 2 years and the new one not sure probably longer)

So what do you think which one :)

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8 Antworten


@MarkoHF schrieb am 1. April 2016 um 21:59:30 Uhr:

Sup guys, I am looking to purchase a new vehicle and I am stuck with this decision:

I have 55,000 Euro in cash to purchase a coupe BMW.

I can chose between:

1. Brand new BMW 430D with M Packet


2. Slightly used BMW 640D with M Packet First Owner, Premium Selection, Max 35,000KM with Europlus Warranty 2 Years

Example: https://gebrauchtwagen.bmw.de/CarSearch/Details/1436807/4


Both will be purchased from a BMW Niederlassung

Both will have warranty (except the used one will be 2 years and the new one not sure probably longer)

So what do you think which one :)

I don't know if it 100% correct English, but I'll use warranty and guaranty in complete different ways to explain the situation in Germany (obviously you want to buy it in Germany because of the BMW link):

warranty: The _seller_ (!=manufacturer) has to make sure by _law_ for a certain time that the product is what is usual for it incl. repairs due to problems in the production/design.

New products: 24 months

Used products: commercial sellers may limit it to 12 month, private people may even say like 0 month.

Everything less than 24 month must be _written_ in a contract.

In the first 6 months it quite easy for you, the seller has to prove that it's not a production/design problem. Afterwords it's vice versa.

It doesn't include things like 24/7 or NBD service. And of course you have a problem if that company "disappers" (even contract car dealer companies "die" from time to time).

It starts when buying the product.

guaranty: Somebody promises you something concerning the case of problems with the product. When buying a car (new or used) from a car manufacturer or via its contract dealers, you often have a guaranty by the car manufacturer. AFAIK: Except of new cars from BMW (at least "normal" cars like non-i-series), they force the contract dealers to give a guaranty according to BMW specifications.

It may be possible that you can use the rest of the guaranty time, especially when talking about a new car guaranty which usually starts when the car is first-time registered.

It also can be more than 24 month and/or can be longer when paying more.

So with a brand new car you'll have less problems concerning this (used car guaranties usually have much more limitation than new car guaranties).

On the other hand, with a used car you may have less cost, but was the car treated well (hard to look inside the engine...) etc.

So I can't say more concerning this, it's more like a very personal decision.

The used car you linked has "only" Euro5. E.g. in German "Umweltzonen" (certain areas in usually big cities) they're already talking about more, especially concerning Diesel...

In general for comparing cars:

- Enough seats, room to transport things, etc.? (think you already did that at least a little bit).

- Maybe the car is to big for you? Compare the sizes!

- Fuel consumption: http://www.spritmonitor.de/

Hersteller = manufacturer, Modell = model, Suchen = search, e.g. 4er = 4 series, alle = all, Kraftstoffart = fuel/diesel/etc., Kraftstoffsorte = normal or premium gas/diesel (would suggest "alle"), Getriebeart = kind of gearbox, Schaltgetriebe = manual gear box, Automatik = automatic, stufenloses Getriebe = CVVT, Doppelkupplungsgetriebe = EDC (can be driven like automatic gearbox), Halb-Automatik = only a lever for manual 1, 2, ..., R, N but no clutch pedal, Modellname = model name, Baujahr ... bis ... = year of build (usually the year of first time registration is entered) from ... to ..., Motorleistung = engine power in kW or PS = horse power), Mindestkilometer = at least x km in total.

I suggest using the default values for the other fields.

The results are in liters per 100km.

- Costs for maintenance, timing belt etc.? Intervals?

Only costs: E.g. http://werkstatt.autoscout24.de/

Postleitzahl/Ort = postal code/city, Leistung = which kind of service, Inspektion = maintenance, Zahnriemenwechsel = replace timing belt (incl. all necessary parts), Marke = brand, Erstzulassung = first time registration, Kilometerstand = current total km.

Caution, there're small and big maintenances - change the year of first time registration a little bit, maybe then you have one time the big and one time the small one.

You may find maintenance intervals e.g. in the pricelist.

- Costs of taxes, insurance, etc.?

Or in short: If you don't tell us more detailed what's important to you concerning you next car, it's hard to help you.


Themenstarteram 1. April 2016 um 22:19


@notting schrieb am 1. April 2016 um 22:43:43 Uhr:


@MarkoHF schrieb am 1. April 2016 um 21:59:30 Uhr:

Sup guys, I am looking to purchase a new vehicle and I am stuck with this decision:

I have 55,000 Euro in cash to purchase a coupe BMW.

I can chose between:

1. Brand new BMW 430D with M Packet


2. Slightly used BMW 640D with M Packet First Owner, Premium Selection, Max 35,000KM with Europlus Warranty 2 Years

Example: https://gebrauchtwagen.bmw.de/CarSearch/Details/1436807/4


Both will be purchased from a BMW Niederlassung

Both will have warranty (except the used one will be 2 years and the new one not sure probably longer)

So what do you think which one :)

I don't know if it 100% correct English, but I'll use warranty and guaranty in complete different ways to explain the situation in Germany (obviously you want to buy it in Germany because of the BMW link):

warranty: The _seller_ (!=manufacturer) has to make sure by _law_ for a certain time that the product is what is usual for it incl. repairs due to problems in the production/design.

New products: 24 months

Used products: commercial sellers may limit it to 12 month, private people may even say like 0 month.

Everything less than 24 month must be _written_ in a contract.

In the first 6 months it quite easy for you, the seller has to prove that it's not a production/design problem. Afterwords it's vice versa.

It doesn't include things like 24/7 or NBD service. And of course you have a problem if that company "disappers" (even contract car dealer companies "die" from time to time).

It starts when buying the product.

guaranty: Somebody promises you something concerning the case of problems with the product. When buying a car (new or used) from a car manufacturer or via its contract dealers, you often have a guaranty by the car manufacturer. AFAIK: Except of new cars from BMW (at least "normal" cars like non-i-series), they force the contract dealers to give a guaranty according to BMW specifications.

It may be possible that you can use the rest of the guaranty time, especially when talking about a new car guaranty which usually starts when the car is first-time registered.

It also can be more than 24 month and/or can be longer when paying more.

So with a brand new car you'll have less problems concerning this (used car guaranties usually have much more limitation than new car guaranties).

On the other hand, with a used car you may have less cost, but was the car treated well (hard to look inside the engine...) etc.

So I can't say more concerning this, it's more like a very personal decision.

The used car you linked has "only" Euro5. E.g. in German "Umweltzonen" (certain areas in usually big cities) they're already talking about more, especially concerning Diesel...

In general for comparing cars:

- Enough seats, room to transport things, etc.? (think you already did that at least a little bit).

- Maybe the car is to big for you? Compare the sizes!

- Fuel consumption: http://www.spritmonitor.de/

Hersteller = manufacturer, Modell = model, Suchen = search, e.g. 4er = 4 series, alle = all, Kraftstoffart = fuel/diesel/etc., Kraftstoffsorte = normal or premium gas/diesel (would suggest "alle"), Getriebeart = kind of gearbox, Schaltgetriebe = manual gear box, Automatik = automatic, stufenloses Getriebe = CVVT, Doppelkupplungsgetriebe = EDC (can be driven like automatic gearbox), Halb-Automatik = only a lever for manual 1, 2, ..., R, N but no clutch pedal, Modellname = model name, Baujahr ... bis ... = year of build (usually the year of first time registration is entered) from ... to ..., Motorleistung = engine power in kW or PS = horse power), Mindestkilometer = at least x km in total.

I suggest using the default values for the other fields.

The results are in liters per 100km.

- Costs for maintenance, timing belt etc.? Intervals?

Only costs: E.g. http://werkstatt.autoscout24.de/

Postleitzahl/Ort = postal code/city, Leistung = which kind of service, Inspektion = maintenance, Zahnriemenwechsel = replace timing belt (incl. all necessary parts), Marke = brand, Erstzulassung = first time registration, Kilometerstand = current total km.

Caution, there're small and big maintenances - change the year of first time registration a little bit, maybe then you have one time the big and one time the small one.

You may find maintenance intervals e.g. in the pricelist.

- Costs of taxes, insurance, etc.?

Or in short: If you don't tell us more detailed what's important to you concerning you next car, it's hard to help you.


Thank you for your reply. Well I will be buying the vehicle in Germany and then exporting it to Macedonia, since that's where I live now. At first I was looking for a strictly new car, however when I looked more into the EUROPlus warranty (1 year) which is covered with the same standards as a new vehicle and can be used in any BMW Dealership across Europe including Macedonia. So I said why not look for a used car with the EUROPlus warranty.

So I started comparing the vehicles:

The only difference I like in the 640D is the looks especially the interior is mind blowing when compared to the 430D. I really liked the E92 Coupe interior but for some reason I am disappointed of the F30 interior.

Emissions doesn't mean anything in Macedonia. Cars do not get tested and people only use the Euro standard to brag how new their car is. So Euro 5/6 doesn't matter for me. Heck I can even remove the catalytic converter and DPF and I can still drive it legally (however I won't do that)

Insurance and Registration is also not a problem. The price difference of Insurance and Registration for both of the vehicles is maybe like 40-60 EUR per year. Not a huge difference.

Size. Well I am young and I already have my (soon to be old) caravan-touring vehicle which I use to transport cargo when going on vacation, so I am sure to get a coupe.

Maintenance cost: Aren't the parts for the 430D and the 640D approximately the same price? I mean they are both new cars and they should both be expensive to maintain?

Well anyways I will also look at the 425D but the feeling of driving a 4 cyl engine kind of disappoints me, even though they make them over 200hp these days :D


@MarkoHF schrieb am 2. April 2016 um 00:19:41 Uhr:

[removed very big full-quote]

Thank you for your reply. Well I will be buying the vehicle in Germany and then exporting it to Macedonia, since that's where I live now. At first I was looking for a strictly new car, however when I looked more into the EUROPlus warranty (1 year) which is covered with the same standards as a new vehicle and can be used in any BMW Dealership across Europe including Macedonia. So I said why not look for a used car with the EUROPlus warranty.

So export to outside of the EU?


So ask your dealer if that export license plate would make sense in your case and what it would cost that you can just sit into the car and drive it to Macedonia (not neceassary if it's transported like on a trailer/truck). If you want to do it by yourself, you'll need good German language skills.

That export plate is for least 15 days, max. 1 year. You have to pay the annual German car tax (normally you pay for 1 year and get money back for each day you de-registered it earlier, probably for export you have to say how many days you want and have to pay exactly for that days before getting the plates) and an special insurance. The ADAC (Germany's most popular automobile club) offers it starting with 80EUR/15 days. But there're probably others.

The annual German car tax is:

If the (Euro) standard is better than Euro 3 or D3 (so like Euro 4, 5, 6, ...) and the car is first-time registered July 1st, 2009 or later:

Engine displacement:

Otto engine (fuel): 2EUR/100cm³

Diesel engine: 9,50EUR/100cm³

Eg. Otto with 1501...1600cm³ costs 32EUR/year and Otto with 1601...1700cm³ costs 34EUR/year.


CO2 in g/km according to NEDC (German: NEFZ):

For both Otto and Diesel annually 2EUR per CO2 in g/km, but the "first CO2 g/km" is for free (but the result of this part is never <0EUR, even your car has only like 80g CO2/km):

July 1st, 2009 - end of 2011: 120g/km

2012-2013: 110g/km

Since 2014: 95g/km


So I started comparing the vehicles:


Maintenance cost: Aren't the parts for the 430D and the 640D approximately the same price? I mean they are both new cars and they should both be expensive to maintain?

Did you try to use http://werkstatt.autoscout24.de/ to find that out? Ok, German prices, but the tendency should be the same?

I'm not that familiar with BMW, maybe somebody else will write something.


Themenstarteram 2. April 2016 um 10:06


@notting schrieb am 2. April 2016 um 10:28:15 Uhr:


@MarkoHF schrieb am 2. April 2016 um 00:19:41 Uhr:

[removed very big full-quote]

Thank you for your reply. Well I will be buying the vehicle in Germany and then exporting it to Macedonia, since that's where I live now. At first I was looking for a strictly new car, however when I looked more into the EUROPlus warranty (1 year) which is covered with the same standards as a new vehicle and can be used in any BMW Dealership across Europe including Macedonia. So I said why not look for a used car with the EUROPlus warranty.

So export to outside of the EU?


So ask your dealer if that export license plate would make sense in your case and what it would cost that you can just sit into the car and drive it to Macedonia (not neceassary if it's transported like on a trailer/truck). If you want to do it by yourself, you'll need good German language skills.

That export plate is for least 15 days, max. 1 year. You have to pay the annual German car tax (normally you pay for 1 year and get money back for each day you de-registered it earlier, probably for export you have to say how many days you want and have to pay exactly for that days before getting the plates) and an special insurance. The ADAC (Germany's most popular automobile club) offers it starting with 80EUR/15 days. But there're probably others.

The annual German car tax is:

If the (Euro) standard is better than Euro 3 or D3 (so like Euro 4, 5, 6, ...) and the car is first-time registered July 1st, 2009 or later:

Engine displacement:

Otto engine (fuel): 2EUR/100cm³

Diesel engine: 9,50EUR/100cm³

Eg. Otto with 1501...1600cm³ costs 32EUR/year and Otto with 1601...1700cm³ costs 34EUR/year.


CO2 in g/km according to NEDC (German: NEFZ):

For both Otto and Diesel annually 2EUR per CO2 in g/km, but the "first CO2 g/km" is for free (but the result of this part is never <0EUR, even your car has only like 80g CO2/km):

July 1st, 2009 - end of 2011: 120g/km

2012-2013: 110g/km

Since 2014: 95g/km


@notting schrieb am 2. April 2016 um 10:28:15 Uhr:


So I started comparing the vehicles:


Maintenance cost: Aren't the parts for the 430D and the 640D approximately the same price? I mean they are both new cars and they should both be expensive to maintain?

Did you try to use http://werkstatt.autoscout24.de/ to find that out? Ok, German prices, but the tendency should be the same?

I'm not that familiar with BMW, maybe somebody else will write something.


Well I am not really worried about the exporting part. I have a company here that for a fee they will purchase the car, register it on the Yellow Export Plates, import it by driving it here, register it on Macedonian plates, ready for use. They can also get me the tax return but they told me the car has to be from a BMW Niederlassung.

So I have that covered :)

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