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No glove box cooling!? WTF?!

Mercedes GLC X253
Themenstarteram 17. August 2021 um 5:08

GLC 220d, facelift, 2019

Just found yesterday, after a box of Belgian truffles melted down that my GLC doesn't have a cooled glove box.

Not the end of the world but the cheapness of MB is on another level.

Never crossed my mind to check or order this option. Actually never thought this would be an option, especially on this class and at this price. Isn't this something standard?

Disappointing is an understatement

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12 Antworten

Come on. What have you expected? Mercedes GLC is an old and cheap technology car, these days.

No, automatic trunk cover, no AR in HUD, no no seat occupancy detection on the rear seats, no OTA, etc.

The premium days are over. Only the price tag stood the same.

If you want to have an innovative car, you have to buy a different model / brand.

Themenstarteram 17. August 2021 um 11:20

@holgor2000 haha, funny

Thing is that I had cooled glove boxes on all my car's since 2002, including a super cheap Peugeot 307

Anyway, I can't remember seeing this option in the configurator so potential new cars buyers should be aware.

It's not one of those options that you can't live without but nevertheless...

am 17. August 2021 um 12:15

im think you have cooled glove box. But there is a option to open it inside. In all my Cars is this so that there is inside a possibility to open and then it is cooling.


Don't hear on Holgor he is always have some Problem and want to drive shit like AUDI or VW :) So stupid cheap Technology :D:D yea you mean only Phone connection and this shit.Innovation don`t mean Quality.

Perfe11, I talk about facts, you answerd with a personal hate speech. Not very nice. Think about it, please.

am 17. August 2021 um 12:24

facts :D :D :D yes hating Mercedes this are your facts :D :D :D

Sorry when everybody search after your messages here in this Forum is for everybody clear :D :D and you write about personal hat speech :D Its clear when the people see your name then everybody awaiting some stupid hate.

Blacklisted, works since years like a charm ;)

………..Motor-Talk ist eine Web-Site in deutscher Sprache……….

Warum kann man sich nicht daran halten?


@Perfe11 schrieb am 17. August 2021 um 14:24:49 Uhr:

facts :D :D :D

Yes. As I said: "No, automatic trunk cover, no AR in HUD, no no seat occupancy detection on the rear seats, no OTA " at the GLC. It´s an old car, developed many years ago.

These are the facts. If you think this is wrong, prove it. I´m open for any correction.


@keineralsrainer schrieb am 17. August 2021 um 17:53:22 Uhr:

………..Motor-Talk ist eine Web-Site in deutscher Sprache……….

Warum kann man sich nicht daran halten?

Nach meinem Verständnis sind Sinn und Zweck dieses Forums i.a.R. der Erfahrungsaustausch.

Da Titel und Anfrage in Englisch darf, wer mag und/oder kann, auch so antworten.

Oder gibt es eine Foren-Regel, die dies untersagt ? Dann möge ein Moderator den Faden gerne schließen.


According to my understanding the purpose of this forum is most likely the exchange of experience. Title and Inquiry are written in English. Whoever likes may therefore also answer alike. Or is there a forum rule that prohibits this ? Then a moderator may like to close the thread.




Richtig - aber doch nicht in diesem Unterforum, sondern in jenem:


Themenstarteram 24. August 2021 um 4:39


@keineralsrainer schrieb am 17. August 2021 um 17:53:22 Uhr:

………..Motor-Talk ist eine Web-Site in deutscher Sprache……….

Warum kann man sich nicht daran halten?

Sorry, man. I understand you're not happy about writing in English. My German is really poor although I would have liked to speak it. I read your forum on Chrome which translates all pages automatically including your answers in German and I found this forum to be one of the best, really useful and informative.

If I will use the Google translate the result is usually a terrible German phrasing due to software limitations.

Anyway, it's not a sign of disrespect, I think this forum is made of a bunch of great people who love cars and share useful information


@stamir schrieb am 24. August 2021 um 06:39:19 Uhr:


@keineralsrainer schrieb am 17. August 2021 um 17:53:22 Uhr:

………..Motor-Talk ist eine Web-Site in deutscher Sprache……….

Warum kann man sich nicht daran halten?

Sorry, man. I understand you're not happy about writing in English. My German is really poor although I would have liked to speak it. I read your forum on Chrome which translates all pages automatically including your answers in German and I found this forum to be one of the best, really useful and informative.

If I will use the Google translate the result is usually a terrible German phrasing due to software limitations.

Anyway, it's not a sign of disrespect, I think this forum is made of a bunch of great people who love cars and share useful information

Muß man jetzt in diesem Forum - wenn man wie ich diese wichtige Sprache nicht mehr beherrscht und ich traue mir das auch zu sagen - erst eine Übersetzung veranlassen wenn man mitdenken will ?

Es sind doch hier geügend profilierungssüchtige Forenmitleser die den englischen Text dann auch für die übersetzen könnten, welche mit dem Beitrag nichts anfangen können, weil sie ihn nicht verstehen aber auch gerne wüßten um was es geht.

Noch besser wäre es IMHO, wenn der Themenstarter sich selbst - in einem deutschen Forum um deutschsprachige Beiträge kümmern würde.

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