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- Polish & Wax in Tel-Aviv Mercedes ML 350
Polish & Wax in Tel-Aviv Mercedes ML 350
Some of the products I used:
Clay Bar reinigungsknete Joybond Made in Japan
Simoniz Back to Black Foaming Tyre Cleaner Made in EU
Peek multi purpose metal polish Made in UK by Tri-Peek Int.
Leather cleaner & balsam Coralux Made in Germany by LCK Vertriebs GmbH
1Z Cockpit Premium for plastics inside Made in Germany
Polish Caramba Lack Politur Made in Germany
Wax Caramba Lack Wachs Made in Germany
Air neutralising Westfalia Klimaanlagen Desinfektion Made in Germany
Rubber care Autosol gummipflegestift Made in Germany
Windshield protection RainClear Regenabweiser Made in USA
Mark's Best Nano Polish & Wax ™
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13 Antworten
Ich frage mich wirklich:was sollen solche Beiträge auf MT.
Kann es sein das hier nur Werbung für ein Produkt gemacht wird.
Seelze 01
Great job.
Question. Where do you work? In a building/hall or "open air"? If you look at the first pictures, it seems you ´re working outsinde. Why I´m asking? What about sand the air in Tel Aviv? If you start to polish the hood do you have a layer of sand on the clearcoat till you arrived at the trunk? In my opinion you have much more "problems" with sand or dust than we have in Gemany or in Central Europe.
Maybe you can post your pictures in this thread, where all other members show their work too, and you don´t need to open a new thread for each show it off.
kind regards
Original geschrieben von Seelze 01
Hallo, Ich frage mich wirklich:was sollen solche Beiträge auf MT. Kann es sein das hier nur Werbung für ein Produkt gemacht wird. Seelze 01
Nein, eher nicht. Nur gehören diese Beiträge eher in den "glänzende Autos" Thread, wo alle ihre Ergebnisse darstellen. Das hab ich eben auch nochmal erwähnt. Diese Produktplatzierungen halte ich nicht für Werbung. Nur ist es unsinnig für jedes Show it off einen eingenen Fred zu öffnen.
Original geschrieben von Friedel_R
Great job.
Question. Where do you work? In a building/hall or "open air"? If you look at the first pictures, it seems you ´re working outsinde. Why I´m asking? What about sand the air in Tel Aviv? If you start to polish the hood do you have a layer of sand on the clearcoat till you arrived at the trunk? In my opinion you have much more "problems" with sand or dust than we have in Gemany or in Central Europe.
Maybe you can post your pictures in this thread, where all other members show their work too, and you don´t need to open a new thread for each show it off.
kind regards
Now in the winter when there is no winds there is no dust at all, this problem is in the summer when it's hot & windy from the beach & during the rain which brings salty water from the sea with winds. I know what you mean though, very good question & I pay attention to it of course. As you see car is parked away from other cars, it's 10 meters from the beach ;-) not a drop of dust in 7 hours I could see, only sun & blue sea.
Where I work? No, I don't work in some professional auto detailing shop, or a car wash. Most cars are friend's or somebody forwarded them to me. I don't do it for money (in fact I lose money doing it:-) & I only make cars I like.
I am a businessmen in different industry, no connection to chemicals, automotive. I visit Automechanika for fun, to make new contacts, see new products maybe in the future I will need it, who knows. I think in Germany it can be profitable as a business, Smart Repair & other services, here it's not. If I will ever do it for money only not in Israel, here we don't know what will happen tomorrow & taxman takes more than Al Capone would take :-)
I see your link glanzende, I made new thread because I wanted to share the products & see what products you guys use in Germany, but at the moment this is political replies and questions from Stazi: Where you work? What you do?
Maybe better you recommend some good politur or wachs, that would be more interesting, or when German meets somebody from Israel there can be no conversation about auto detailing?
As you see I don't ask nobody where they work or if they are straight or gay, I just want to see more products, more brands, more pictures. If somebody can post here ML 350 this is what I would like to see, please no politics & religion, no Merkel's phone listened by Russia, UK, USA etc. only cars & sexy girls welcome.
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
I see your link glanzende, I made new thread because I wanted to share the products & see what products you guys use in Germany, but at the moment this is political replies and questions from Stazi: Where you work? What you do?
Maybe better you recommend some good politur or wachs, that would be more interesting, or when German meets somebody from Israel there can be no conversation about auto detailing?
You should relax. It is a communication/translation problem. Here in Germany we say "wo hast du gearbeitet?" and translate it literally with "Were do you work?". It doesn't means your business, but rather on what location you do your manual work (detailling), in a garage or outside. We use the word "work" for most activities done by hand.
When you want to know what products we use, read some Show it Offs. You find some of them in the FAQ:
4.3. Testberichte & Anwendungshinweise zu Produkten
Original geschrieben von Mr. Moe
Original geschrieben von sharkpolitur
I see your link glanzende, I made new thread because I wanted to share the products & see what products you guys use in Germany, but at the moment this is political replies and questions from Stazi: Where you work? What you do?
Maybe better you recommend some good politur or wachs, that would be more interesting, or when German meets somebody from Israel there can be no conversation about auto detailing?
You should relax. It is a communication/translation problem. Here in Germany we say "wo hast du gearbeitet?" and translate it literally with "Were do you work?". It doesn't means your business, but rather on what location you do your manual work (detailling), in a garage or outside. We use the word "work" for most activities done by hand.
When you want to know what products we use, read some Show it Offs. You find some of them in the FAQ:
4.3. Testberichte & Anwendungshinweise zu Produkten
Don't get me wrong I am not angry, I love Germans my girlfriend Andrea is so German that today you barely see in Germany somebody so German as she is 100% Made in West Germany babe with Bavaria roots, many farmers in her family & musicians who play German music no US pop, when I compare other German women to her they don't look German to me anymore. I doubt somebody's here wife is German, strange but really I almost couldn't meet from my German friends wife who is German? German from Chech Republic, German from Russia, German from Poland, half German, quarter German, not sure if German, East German but not somebody only German. There are but very few.
Germany is a beautiful country too open for foreigners to live there, in my opinion.
In Israel there is no such thing as: I am Turkish or from Zimbabwe give me Israeli passport, hello & good bye. Only tourists can visit Israel, that's it. This is the law. Germans are much better (stupid) & tolerate foreigners more, compared to you, Israel is a Nazi state that's doesn't even wants peace with it's neighbours, it's like for Germany to be at war with Austria, Switzerland, Holland.
If I would be German I would never allow any foreigners not from UK not from Somalia to get German citizenship, only by marriage, only after very long checking such a family & maybe after 20Y a passport, maybe even not at all, only to children.
You are right that mentality is different, I like German products in this category car care, but fashion I like from Italy, German fashion is silly, Wine is Italy or France of course, watch only Swiss Made, most Germans when go to restaurant go Italian, Ice Cream Germans buy are Italian etc.. Every nation is good at something, for example in Germany almost every electronic counter for processing credit cards & other payments is made by Israeli companies, same as most generic drugs in the world are made by Teva (Ratiopharm in Germany, Teva's subsidiary).
I am trying different products but German is at the top, if USA are mostly shit you can't say it about German, Swiss, Austria products. That's why I am very surprized to see Germans use so much of USA products, you are obsessed with USA, in my opinion USA products are only good as a packaging, nice labels but inside is shit. Am I right or maybe I am missing something & somebody can prove that USA DoDo Juice or 3M is better than 1Z or Berner? As example.
USA= best in marketing, labeling, pushing their products hard, high price very low quality
Germany= good price, very good quality
No Problem, I do not understand you wrong. I should have used some smilies
DODO JUICE comes from UK
It would be interesting to know what products exactly you use. Because I can't retrace your experiences.
Till today in Germany are only a small amouth of people, who do real detailing. The rest do not care about their cars or clean it up 2 times a year with an All-in-One polish an an old T-Shirt for a quick shine or use the automatic car wash. Because of that most products your can buy in supermarket or DIY superstore are All-in-One products that brings a little bit shine for a short time. These products where developed to be foolproof, you can't damage something, but you can't get serious results. But there are no claybars, no Quick Detailers, no long lasting sealants, no effective compounds for real swirls and scratches.
The market for detailing products in USA or UK is bigger. Thats why there are more american and british brands and products in german online detailing stores and thats why they are more often in use.
Good german brandmarks, used in e.g. automotive industry are not offered for amateurs in local consumer stores.
I think you can not generalize, that german products are good an american products are low quality. I would split it up after product lines. E.g. the Brands Sonax and Meguiars. Both brands have a consumer line and a profissional line. Most products from both consumer lines are ineffective and most products from the professional line are very good.
Original geschrieben von Mr. Moe
No Problem, I do not understand you wrong. I should have used some smilies
DODO JUICE comes from UK
It would be interesting to know what products exactly you use. Because I can't retrace your experiences.
Till today in Germany are only a small amouth of people, who do real detailing. The rest do not care about their cars or clean it up 2 times a year with an All-in-One polish an an old T-Shirt for a quick shine or use the automatic car wash. Because of that most products your can buy in supermarket or DIY superstore are All-in-One products that brings a little bit shine for a short time. These products where developed to be foolproof, you can't damage something, but you can't get serious results. But there are no claybars, no Quick Detailers, no long lasting sealants, no effective compounds for real swirls and scratches.
The market for detailing products in USA or UK is bigger. Thats why there are more american and british brands and products in german online detailing stores and thats why they are more often in use.
Good german brandmarks, used in e.g. automotive industry are not offered for amateurs in local consumer stores.
I think you can not generalize, that german products are good an american products are low quality. I would split it up after product lines. E.g. the Brands Sonax and Meguiars. Both brands have a consumer line and a profissional line. Most products from both consumer lines are ineffective and most products from the professional line are very good.
So you say DoDo Juice, OK let's se the secret of DoDo Juice Polish & PreWax Cleanser about 11EUR per 250ml hahaha :-) against Caramba Lack Politur 4EUR in LIDL for 500ml or 2EUR for 250ml, in other words DoDo Juice is 600% more expensive than Caramba.
Facts & Chemistry behind:
Die Caramba Chemie GmbH & Co KG entwickelt und produziert chemische Spezialprodukte. Sie hat ihren Sitz in Duisburg. Die Marke "Caramba" wurde 1903 in Dresden durch den jüdischen, späteren Kommerzienrat Max Elb angemeldet.
WOW I didn't know it was founded by Jewish businessmen.
DoDo Juice founded in 2007 already it sounds silly as chemistry is a sience, you can't find a magic formula as already the best ingredients for polish/wax are known, many are patented, registered trademarks. It's stupid to think or believe that new company that don't even have their own chemical factory can make something better than established, big chemical company such as Caramba Chemie (bought few years ago by Berner Group).
But let's get inside the ingredients:
DoDo Juice Polish & Prewax Cleanser (long name, little inside) : Alkanes 4-10% & Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated
light 10-20% THAT'S IT.
Caramba Lack Politur: aliphatische Kohlenwasserstof 5-15%, nichtionische Tenside > 5%, Konservierungsmittel (Tetramethylol acetylene diurea, BENZISOTHIAZOLINONE, METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE, BHT)
The verdict: Clearly Caramba has a better chemichal composition with more ingredients (in car care, the more ingredients means better, means more sience inside the box) that hold longer on car paint. Caramba polish costs less by 80% than DoDo Juice Magic Supernatural Godly Heaven Detailer Secret Wax Carnauba Elixir :-))))))))))) & is better suited for your car.
Caramba = Made in W.-Germany, low price but high quality
DoDo Juice Paradise Fantasy Wax Brazilian Carnauba Pure Royal Gel = Made in China (I see on some their products there is no Made in UK, USA, EU print that's why I suspect they produce it in China but I am not 100% sure), very high price, very low quality.
Labels can promise you to reincarnate your old car, but chemicals never lie, it's all about sience inside.
You can not compare these two products. Caramba Lackpolitur is a polish and should remove swirls and scratches. Lime Prime is a Pre Wax Cleaner, used on new paint or after the compound and before a natural wax.
I am not a chemist, but i'm not convinced that more ingredience = better.
But i know, that Lime Prime is a very good product to prepare the paint for a natural wax. It removes old waxes, sealants, waterspots, compound residues and a lot of other soilings from the paint easily. In addition it makes the paint very slick and leaves great shine. Used with maschine polisher, it removes holograms als well.
I tested a lot of products, but Lime Prime is still one of my favorite.
For this kind of product, i know no counterpart from a german company. I think for german manufacturers, the enthusiast detailer is not a target consumer.
Original geschrieben von Mr. Moe
You can not compare these two products. Caramba Lackpolitur is a polish and should remove swirls and scratches. Lime Prime is a Pre Wax Cleaner, used on new paint or after the compound and before a natural wax.
I am not a chemist, but i'm not convinced that more ingredience = better.
But i know, that Lime Prime is a very good product to prepare the paint for a natural wax. It removes old waxes, sealants, waterspots, compound residues and a lot of other soilings from the paint easily. In addition it makes the paint very slick and leaves great shine. Used with maschine polisher, it removes holograms als well.
I tested a lot of products, but Lime Prime is still one of my favorite.
For this kind of product, i know no counterpart from a german company. I think for german manufacturers, the enthusiast detailer is not a target consumer.
I have some products from DoDo Juice for example their clay bars make very little cleaning effect on the lack, can't compare it with Joybond (Made in Japan, 5 or 6 patents only on a cleaning clay), even renowned German brand RotWeiss use their Joybond reinigungsknete. Look, it's only the polish what you say, you really think that DoDo that is 600% more expensive than Caramba is 6 times better? If you really think so then you & people like you are victims of Americanization/Globalization. On both DoDo products I couldn't find Made in ..., why they hide where they produce their secret elixirs? If you are their big fan maybe you can look on the magic DoDo polish bottles 250ml hahaha & say where it's made. On mine staff all is Made in Germany, EU, Austria, Switzerland, UK, USA, France, Italy 90% of my products are made in Western Europe.
Is a wristwatch from Junghans for 1000 € ten times as good as a Swatch for 100 €?
I don't think so. Like everywere you have to pay for a bit more quality a lot more money. The price rice exponentially.
Written on my bottle Dodo Sour Power: "Made in the UK by DODO JUICE LTD"
The Supernatural Clay is OK, softer (good when its cold) than the Magic Clean (possibly the same as Joybond) but cleans well. On the other hand the Dodo Basic of Bling clay is rubbish. Thats what i mean, wenn i say you can't generalize the quality of a hole manufacturer.
Hallo ich dacht immer ich bin hier in Deutschland und nicht in England.
Was sollen hier Beiträge auf englisch.
Seelze 01
Original geschrieben von Mr. Moe
Is a wristwatch from Junghans for 1000 € ten times as good as a Swatch for 100 €?
I don't think so. Like everywere you have to pay for a bit more quality a lot more money. The price rice exponentially.
Written on my bottle Dodo Sour Power: "Made in the UK by DODO JUICE LTD"
The Supernatural Clay is OK, softer (good when its cold) than the Magic Clean (possibly the same as Joybond) but cleans well. On the other hand the Dodo Basic of Bling clay is rubbish. Thats what i mean, wenn i say you can't generalize the quality of a hole manufacturer.
Maybe it's made in UK, I have now in my hands DODO JUICE Square Sponge Clay Pad fine & DODO JUICE Supernatural Detailing Clay Fine, on none of them written Made in UK? I don't know the regulation in UK maybe they don't have to write it but usually brands that produce in Europe are proud to show it to consumers.
On 1 picture top right for Supernatural (not on the one I hold now) written NOT FOR SALE IN USA, wonder what can it mean?
I am not against UK or USA brands but in my opinion DoDo Juice is overpriced by 600% same as some US brands.
Here is example:
DoDo Juice Supernatural Detailing Clay 240gr. about 20EUR (8EUR per 100 gr.)
NIGRIN Reinigungsknete 210gr. 2,60EUR (1.24 per 100gr.) (on Amazon.de)
DoDo Juice is 700% more expensive than Nigrin!
Regarding UK brands I like Autoglym & Kent Car Care. (Kent same as Caramba now belong to Berner Group, Bavaria, Kunzeslau) Kent & Autoglym products are Made in Great Britain, though probably Berner will now let Kent produce some products in EU