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Premium pack usefull?

Mercedes C-Klasse S205
Themenstarteram 15. Februar 2020 um 10:56


First, I want to apologize:

I'm from Belgium and I don't write German.

I'm about to order a C 300de Break.

I plan to order AMG line night and Drive assist package.

As this will be a company lease, this is the "business line", which already includes a lot of options.

I have a 3000€ question:

I'm wondering if the "Premium" (or "Business solutions plus") pack is worth it.

This includes

- COMAND online (SD GPS and live traffic are already installed)

- Fully digital dashboard

- Ambient light (I don't care)

- Multibeam instead of full LED

- Touchpad (I hate it)

- Advanced sound system

- Smartphone integration (If I don't go for premium, I can order it separately)

- wireless load for smartphone (it looks like my Samsung Note is too long to sit flat in the loading space, and I need the USB cable for Android Auto anyway, so pretty useless)

The Multibeam seems interesting and I can't purchase it separately

The Fully digital dashboard doesn't seem to add much value to my eyes

The sound system is probably better. I couldn't test them

But what about the Comand?

Does it bring anything additional?

Is it helpful for better drive experience?

Any thought?


(Don't hesitate to answer in German. Google translates enough for me to understand.)



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11 Antworten

As far as i know, the assistant package has more functionality (e.g. speed adjusted corresponding to map data, also on roundabouts) if command online ist build in.

Themenstarteram 15. Februar 2020 um 11:22

Exactly what I fear.

Is there any document/link supporting that?

Problem here is, that the options in Belgium differ from the ones in Germany. The most reliable information is to downlioad the pricelist from the mercedes-benz website for Belgium. Check in the assistence systems section for more information on that topic.

Themenstarteram 15. Februar 2020 um 12:47

Thanks for the idea.

From the price list, it seems the only restrictions for the Drive assist pack are that both the 9G tronic and mirror pack are needed.

Both are standard for the Business Solution 300DE.

It also includes the navigation with internet connection and live traffic, so I guess it should all work without the Comand option...

Je réponds en français:

J’ai eu plusieurs MB, une seule sans Comand:

- le GPS « ordinaire » est proposé par Garmin. Si le GPS n’est pas constamment utilisé, Garmin suffit (ou via un smartphone). Si le GPS est indispensable et si pas proposé par le smartphone, il faut prendre Comand. En Suisse en tout cas, Burmeister n’est pas possible sabs Comand.

Teraz odpowiem po polsku:

Nie ma sensu dyktowa? takich pyta? w innych krajach, poniewa? odpowiednie opcje wyposa?enia ró?ni? si? znacznie w zale?no?ci od kraju i s? zestawiane zgodnie z odpowiednimi wymaganiami nabywców. zw?aszcza w sektorze biznesowym, mo?na znale?? bardzo ró?ne konfiguracje


Je vais maintenant répondre en français :

il est inutile de dicter de telles questions dans d'autres pays, car les options d'équipement respectives varient considérablement d'un pays à l'autre, et sont rassemblées en fonction des exigences respectives des acheteurs. en particulier dans le secteur des entreprises, on trouve des configurations très différentes


Themenstarteram 15. Februar 2020 um 18:42


@cdfcool schrieb am 15. Februar 2020 um 18:30:00 Uhr:

Teraz odpowiem po polsku:

Nie ma sensu dyktowa? takich pyta? w innych krajach, poniewa? odpowiednie opcje wyposa?enia ró?ni? si? znacznie w zale?no?ci od kraju i s? zestawiane zgodnie z odpowiednimi wymaganiami nabywców. zw?aszcza w sektorze biznesowym, mo?na znale?? bardzo ró?ne konfiguracje


Je vais maintenant répondre en français :

il est inutile de dicter de telles questions dans d'autres pays, car les options d'équipement respectives varient considérablement d'un pays à l'autre, et sont rassemblées en fonction des exigences respectives des acheteurs. en particulier dans le secteur des entreprises, on trouve des configurations très différentes


Probably. :-)

But, still, I guess the COMAND is pretty similar from country to country.

And I still don't know what the benefit of it.


@Rja4000 schrieb am 15. Februar 2020 um 19:42:13 Uhr:

Probably. :-)

But, still, I guess the COMAND is pretty similar from country to country.

And I still don't know what the benefit of it.

Here in Germany, COMAND is not bringing a lot to the table, however if you want the full feature set of the Assistance Packackage, then, at least in Germany, you have to add the so-called high-end infotainment package which is in essence the COMAND system.

Themenstarteram 16. Februar 2020 um 7:22


Digging into the German site, I found this page:


- Aktiver Geschwindigkeitslimit-Assistent (i.V.m. COMAND Online und marktabhängig)

- Aktiver Spurwechsel-Assistent (i.V.m. COMAND Online und marktabhängig)

- auf bis zu 30 s erweitertes automatisches Wiederanfahren bei Stop&Go-Verkehr auf Autobahnen (hierzu zusätzlich Park-Assistent oder Park-Paket erforderlich) (i.V.m. COMAND Online und marktabhängig)

I could find the same on Belgian site too.

This is the only place where I see a word about those limitations.


@Rja4000 schrieb am 15. Februar 2020 um 11:56:25 Uhr:

- wireless load for smartphone (it looks like my Samsung Note is too long to sit flat in the loading space

My Note 10+ fits (including TPU-cover)


@Rja4000 schrieb am 16. Februar 2020 um 08:22:58 Uhr:


Digging into the German site, I found this page:


- Aktiver Geschwindigkeitslimit-Assistent (i.V.m. COMAND Online und marktabhängig)

- Aktiver Spurwechsel-Assistent (i.V.m. COMAND Online und marktabhängig)

- auf bis zu 30 s erweitertes automatisches Wiederanfahren bei Stop&Go-Verkehr auf Autobahnen (hierzu zusätzlich Park-Assistent oder Park-Paket erforderlich) (i.V.m. COMAND Online und marktabhängig)

I could find the same on Belgian site too.

This is the only place where I see a word about those limitations.

I guess the most interesting feature you can only get with COMAND is the recognition of the speed limits by using a camera to detect the active speed limit and some other traffic signs. Then this speed limit can be set as the speed for the distronic system (adaptive cruise control)

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