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Service 2.0 Update Motorsteuerung

Volvo V40 2 (M/525)
Themenstarteram 29. Januar 2025 um 12:29

Beim letzten Jahresservice meines T4, Bj 17, wurde auch ein Softwareupdate der Motorsteuerung etc. durchgeführt.

Auf Rückfrage bekam ich keine nähere Auskunft was das für Auswirkungen hat.

Hat jemand detaillierte Kenntnisse, was dieses update bewirkt? Ist reines technisches Interesse von mir. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass der Motor etwas geschmeidiger läuft.

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1 Antworten

I don't think that Volvo release that information, at least not in any detail, and they are unlikely to tell you.

Service update 2.0 is a procedure that dealers run wityh the car connected to Volvo's servers. It checks the vwersions of software in the ECUs on the car against the latest releases, and updates any that have newer versions available.

Volvo are fairly unique in the industry, in that they run such a procedure and offer it at each dealer service.

There can be numerous software updates for the ECUs on all different makes of motor vehicles, but many manufacturers only apply them to new production unless there is a critical bug that needs fixing.

I know that Fiat for instance, have regular software updates for their vehicles, but they instruct their dealers not to apply them routinely, only if a customer complains of a fault which a) the dealer can verify by examination, and b) the update is known to have addressed the problem demonstrated to the dealer.

Things have changed somewhat with the newer SPA cars, but largely because of their ability to accept OTA updates delivered to the car remotely, and Volvo do publish changelogs for updates to systems such as the infotainment, and other systems on the car.

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