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Sporadisch unsauberes Schalten (Automatik)

Ford Focus Mk4
Themenstarteram 29. Januar 2020 um 16:40

Hallo zusammen,

hin und wieder schaltet die Automatik (150PS Ecoboost) unsauber von den 4. in den 5. Gang. Es ist nicht wirklich hörbar, aber im Gaspedal spürbar.

Das Problem ist, dass das Verhalten nur sporadisch auftritt. Heute habe ich den Focus von der Werkstatt abgeholt. Fehler ist nicht aufgetreten und Update des Getriebes gäbe es nicht.

Nun zur Frage..

Kennt jemand das Problem an sich?

Kann ich mich in irgendeiner Form absichern (Gewährleistung, Beweispflicht)?

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie hilfreich der Werkstattauftrag zur Prüfung im Falle eines Defekts wirklich ist.

Vielleicht hat jemand einen Tipp für mich...

Besten Dank vorab!

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5 Antworten

Ich fahre zwar den Diesel 120 ps 1.5l Automatik, und genau für den gab es heute ein Software Update. Angeblich hatte sich diese beim hin- und herschalten in den Parkmode manchmal vergalloppiert. Er fährt gefühlt jetzt geschmeidiger als zuvor - kann aber auch subjektiv sein. Ob das verwandt mit dem Ecoboost Automatikgetriebe ist, weiß ich natürlich nicht.

Hi, my German is poor so I will try in English.

I have similar issue with 1.5 Ecoboost A8.

Around speed 52-54 km/h also around 73-75km/h the transmission vibrates or shakes. I dont have better word to describe it. It happens between the shifts from one gear to another. When I add gas, it shifts up and it is ok. If I put less gas it satys on the gear an it is ok.

So the "vibration" happens only at certain km/h and rpm combination.

Is this similar to what you experience?

I have the latest PCM update.

Themenstarteram 30. Januar 2020 um 7:21


@rainmaker1011 schrieb am 30. Januar 2020 um 07:55:32 Uhr:

Hi, my German is poor so I will try in English.

I have similar issue with 1.5 Ecoboost A8.

Around speed 52-54 km/h also around 73-75km/h the transmission vibrates or shakes. I dont have better word to describe it. It happens between the shifts from one gear to another. When I add gas, it shifts up and it is ok. If I put less gas it satys on the gear an it is ok.

So the "vibration" happens only at certain km/h and rpm combination.

Is this similar to what you experience?

I have the latest PCM update.

This is exactly how i would discribe it!

It only happens when the transmission shifts (up) at low rpm.

Did you try to let it fix?


@Hotte_ schrieb am 30. Januar 2020 um 08:21:04 Uhr:


@rainmaker1011 schrieb am 30. Januar 2020 um 07:55:32 Uhr:

Hi, my German is poor so I will try in English.

I have similar issue with 1.5 Ecoboost A8.

Around speed 52-54 km/h also around 73-75km/h the transmission vibrates or shakes. I dont have better word to describe it. It happens between the shifts from one gear to another. When I add gas, it shifts up and it is ok. If I put less gas it satys on the gear an it is ok.

So the "vibration" happens only at certain km/h and rpm combination.

Is this similar to what you experience?

I have the latest PCM update.

This is exactly how i would discribe it!

It only happens when the transmission shifts (up) at low rpm.

Did you try to let it fix?

I asked the workshop to fix it, they updated the PCM and claimed it has been fixed. First few kilometers seemed to be better but it eventually there is no change.

I plan on going to the workshop again with this and also wih the R-D delay. I will ask them to test drive it with me.

Same here - after PCM Update it was OK for about 2-3 days.

Now everything is like before - exactly as you describe it...


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  7. Sporadisch unsauberes Schalten (Automatik)