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  7. the car does not start

the car does not start

Mercedes E-Klasse W211
Themenstarteram 18. November 2019 um 8:16

Hello my friends

it's really weird and strange

I have light in cockpit (ceiling)

the lights come on or works normally

but the car does not start

neiman or ezs do not swallow the key

i can not get the key into neiman or ezs to spin or start the car

where is the problem my friends

E220 CDI year 2002

Beste Antwort im Thema

This is a typical French behaviour. Everybody in the world will try to talk to you in a language you understand, except France !

Even if they do understand English or even German they refuse to talk with you. They think if you come to France then speak French or go home. This is my personal ecperience in many cases as I do not speak a word of French and I got this confirmed from some French people I know.

But back to the car. You wrote that you needed to safe money for a long time to buy it. Have you saved money already to buy the parts. This might become more expensive than the car itself and it will definitely exceed the current value of it.

You wrote that "Spare parts is not available at Mercedes' mother house". What does that mean ? Almost all parts can be ordered at your local Mercedes dealer. Everything else you get on eBay.

I did ask you before what happens when you put your key in the lock or what does it mean when you write "ezs or neiman does not open / swallows the key". Do you know the meaning of the word swallow ? Can you describe it different ? Even a wrong key can be put in the EZS, you just can not turn it. So if you can nut put your key in the lock then your EZS has a mechanical problem. The EZS is married to your car and this can be done only once and forever. So if you need a new one then this must be really new and not from another car. The marriage can only be done by a Mercedes dealer. In Germany a new EZS costs about 570 € + build in + programming. So if your EZS is broken I would recommend to prepare arround 800 € to get this fixed. Then your car might start but it will still be a piece of shit.

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Hat das schon mal funktioniert ?

Vielleicht liegt es ja dran, dass an Deinem Auto so viele Teile fehlen.

Wenn du die Bilder von dem Karren sehen würdest wären alle deine Fragen beantwortet @MichaelV12 :D

Themenstarteram 18. November 2019 um 19:24

erkläre mir, ich habe es nicht verstanden

W211 AVANTGARDE Jahr 2002

Ich habe keine Hupe


die Lichter gehen an (wenn ich die Tür öffne, gehen die Lichter an)

neiman oder ezs öffnen / schlucken den schlüssel nicht

Guckst du dir die Bilder nochmal in Ruhe an die du mir per eMail geschickt hast dann verstehst du es.

Sarkastische Sätze zu übersetzen ist echt schwierig :D

Themenstarteram 18. November 2019 um 21:19

Ja, es ist sehr schwer zu übersetzen

und sehr schwer, andere zu verstehen, was ich brauche

das aison oder die firma mercedes hat noch gar nichts schockiertes vor

Gibt es eigentlich keine französischen Automobil Foren?


Darf Mackhack deine Bilder hier mal zeigen?

Themenstarteram 18. November 2019 um 23:37

I do not know how to put, poster insert photos

Ich weiß nicht, wie man ein Plakat einfügt, Fotos

Mackhack knows


@hichem75 schrieb am 19. November 2019 um 00:37:35 Uhr:

I do not know how to put, poster insert photos

Ich weiß nicht, wie man ein Plakat einfügt, Fotos

Is that a yes or a no?


@Mackhack schrieb am 18. November 2019 um 20:05:38 Uhr:

Wenn du die Bilder von dem Karren sehen würdest wären alle deine Fragen beantwortet @MichaelV12 :D

Da bin ich mal auch gespannt... her damit :D

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Fotographen...


Was ist das denn für ein Haufen Schrott?

Themenstarteram 19. November 2019 um 15:23

Es ist ein Mercedes W211 Avantgarde-Jahr 2002

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