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  7. Warten auf den XM 50e

Warten auf den XM 50e

Themenstarteram 6. Dezember 2024 um 20:17

Servus Leute!
Ich habe im November 2024 meinen XM 50e bestellt, und freue mich schon auf den Wagen. Er sollte bis Ende Q2 2025 ankommen

Ich bin das Modell Probe gefahren und war grundsätzlich positiv überrascht vom Motor, dem Komfort und dem Platzangebot.
Davor bin ich 4 Jahre den aktuellen X6 30d (nicht LCI) gefahren, mit welchem ich auch extrem zufrieden war und 150.000 km runtergespuhlt habe
Ich wollte die Leute, die bereits Ihren XM 50e haben fragen, wie der Wagen im Alltag ist, welche positiven und negativen Sachen man dazu sagen kann.
Wie ist der Verbrauch auf der Autobahn, da werd ich viel mit den Auto unterwegs sein…

Danke und LG aus Wien

BMW XM 50e.jpg
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6 Antworten

Hello! I am looking for the exact same car. What sort of discount did you got from the dealer? THanks!

Themenstarteram 15. Januar 2025 um 13:36

Discounts may vary depending on country, dealer, brand history etc… I got a decent discount

I got offered 16% in Romania. How much were you offered? Thank you!

Themenstarteram 16. Januar 2025 um 17:24

This is „normal“, I got offered the similar percentage!!

I got to test drive one today, so I can answer some of your questions. The car i drove was on 22" wheels, I would stick to this size for a little bit more comfort. I also drove a XM label on 23" wheels, the 22" just feel better. Also, my dealer told me that there are currently no BMW approved winter tire options for 23" wheels, another plus for the 22". The fuel consumption at 130km/h was around 9,5-10l/100km on winter tires. The car was still in break-in period, I don't know if it would get better or worse with time. Around town you can go on electric mode easily, it's actually quite nice. The engine sound is ok, I would compare it to a Gle53. Overall, the 50e version makes a lot more sense to me, I cannot justify spending 50k euro more for a v8 model.
Positive: the blue/brown interior is simply amazing, especially the brown part. The Label version I drove had the black interior, it just doesn't feel as special, it feels just like a regular X5/X7. The space in the back is huge, the BW sound system is one of the best I ever heard in a car. The ride on 22" wheels is good, but nothing more.
Negatives: the car attracts a lot of attention, everybody is looking at the car in traffic. If you want to avoid that, go for one of the black colors. The trunk is quite small for a car this size, the rear seats don't adjust in any way..that's pretty much it from my pov.
I did not like the XM at all when it came out, but after spending some time with it I can honestly say it's quite a cool car.

Themenstarteram 6. Februar 2025 um 14:35

Thank you for this awesome review of your opinion on this car!
I went with the Black Interior, because I do not particularly like the heritage look of the brown leather. If it wasnt for the brown, i for sure would have gone for the white seats!!
Best Regards

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