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- wofür ist das Mobil ATF D/M genau einsetzbar.
wofür ist das Mobil ATF D/M genau einsetzbar.
Mobil ATF wird als Automatic-Getrieböl ausgewiesen wie ich bisher recherchieren konnte.
Aber wofür speziell das Mobil ATF D/M gedacht ist habe ich nicht herausgefunden. Wo genau wird es eingesetzt?
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Zitat Datenblatt
Mobil ATF D/M is recommended by ExxonMobil for use in applications requiring: GM DEXRON® IIIH, Ford MERCON® and
Allison C 4
Note: Mobil ATF D/M is not recommended for other applications, including GM DEXRON® VI, Ford MERCON® V , MERCON
LV®, MERCON SP® and Type F ATF
Mobil ATF D/M also can be used as the lubricating oil in several types of rotary air compressors under certain service
conditions. Its low temperature properties and resistance to oxidation are important factors in meeting the requirements of this
service. (Please consult the manufacturer service manual for required specifications before use).
Good maintenance practice dictates that automatic transmissions be checked for proper fluid levels at regular intervals, and
that the fluid be drained and replaced at intervals recommended by the manufacturer. Some manufacturers recommend more
frequent changes of transmission fluid under severe driving conditions.