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- 2.0 tsi, 2016 problems
2.0 tsi, 2016 problems
Sorry for the wrong language, you can however answer in german.
Got my variant 2016 a week ago, does anyone else experience these problems:
The watch is running to slow (an hour a day or so).
The trip millage and fuel consumption is reset every night.
Wind noise from the drivers door, especially during side winds.
Apparently the watch issue was known by the dealership but there is no cure as of yet.
Other than that it is a great car!
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22 Antworten
Hej Ontop!
That's the first time that I hear the clock is running slow since it is synchronised with the cockpit instrument/radio unit. Have you tried to change manually from summer time to winter time and vice versa ? How does clock hand respond ? Wind noises have to be checked with your local VW car dealer, maybe the door seal rubber needs to be adjusted/replaced.
Have not tried that but will do so in the morning, all clocks except the one in android drive shows the same (wrong) time. Maybe this affects the consumption memory as well.
A slot has been booked at the dealership to have a look at the wind noise.
I can say that I had the following two times:
The time was just wrong fpor a complete hout in the morning and there was no daytime saving going on.
The first Time I corrected it by changing to a (wrong) time zone, but in the evening the clock was wrong again, which means right.
This happened two times.
The clock is set to use GPS.
Ich h denke der Schlüssel liegt hier im Nullen der Speicher im Bordcomputer.
Anscheinend wird der Passat über nacht für eine gewisse Zeit stromlos.
Dadurch nullen sich Trip ect. Ebenso bleibt dann die Uhr stehen.
Nun sollte man auf die Suche nach dem Stromverlust gehen.
Bin in englisch leider ne Null. Lesen geht. aber selber schreiben....
Kann jemand Ihm das mal übersetzen. Willkein google Translate benutzen.
German is ok to read bit too write... Swedish VW forums are still lacking expertise/people hence I turn to this excellent forum.
Loss of power would make sense and explain the other issues.
I'll keep track to see if the clock gets behind during longer trips or just when parked.
Referring to your first post: How do you define a "wrong language" ? I think there does not exist any "wrong language"
Being a polite Swede and using a German forum to me English is not the correct language. I guess this could be an opportunity to train the German we were teached in school.
Anyhow, I tried setting the time to 23:59 and leaving the car, at 0:01 it had not lost its memory. I set it to 21:00 to see if that makes a difference in a few hours. Next test would be to set the time to 0:01 before leaving it overnight.
Good luck! Hoppas att du har en bra helg!
Tack det samma.
Sure enough the memory got lost when passing "midnight".
Did you get a patch for you problems? I have the same problems on my 2016 passat GTS (sold in Sweden)
Seems like only in Sweden this problem does occur ... maybe the midsummer solstice might be the reason
Which counters are resetted at night? The trip counter at the lower left side of the MFA or the values within the MFA?
The counters in the MFA do reset after 2h after the last drive. Therefore, there are 3 levels in the MFA. In german, they are called "ab Fahrtbeginn" (Trip), "Langzeit" (longterm) and "seit Tanken" (since last refuel).
It's the "Langzeit" longterm and "seit Tanken" since last refuel that is resetted