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  4. Analog clock from B7 in B6

Analog clock from B7 in B6

VW Passat B6/3C
Themenstarteram 12. Februar 2011 um 9:50


Quite new in this forum - normally I've only uses english forums, but now I would like to give it a try...

I'm about to retrofit the analog clock from the new Passat to my '07 model.

Currently I have found the following partnumers:

1 x 3AB 857 212 E (blende)

1 X 3AB 858 366 G (blende)

1 X 3AA 857 318 B (traeger)

2 X N 906 986 06 (innensechsrung-blechschraube)

1 X 3AA 919 204 (Uhr)

1 x 1K0 973 333 (Gehause mit kontaktverriegelung uhr)

I have upgraded the can-gateway to 3C0907530Q and cluster to 3C8920880G (Premium with LED).

How do I connect the 3 wires to the clock?

Thanks :)

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29 Antworten
Themenstarteram 13. Februar 2011 um 7:09

Someone might know this?

hi there,

try to contact the motor-talk member MASTERB2K for some help for your problem. i guess he installed the new anolog-clock from the b7 into the b6 model. there's also a thread about that and several other things you can use from the new model (but only in german).

take a LOOK

am 3. Mai 2012 um 10:58

Hi diskoboy,

Did you find the concrete answer? Please share.

I have upgraded a bit my B6 interior ;) just started the B7 air vents project and feel like next will be Analogue clock, which I already have, see pictures :)

I would also like to get an idea how to nicely get rid of that ugly phone cradle (which is useless after I installed premium BT)...

P.S. I can read German if anyone else could help on B7 analog clock connection!

am 3. Mai 2012 um 13:34


Just today I saw the Chinese Version of the B7 (the longer one). They have the clock between the two air outlets in the middle. I'm just thinking if this version would fit into our beloved B6. Tomorrow I try to measure the grill to see how big it is. If that one fit into the B6 it's mine and I go straight to the next VW dealer here and order one.

So long


Just compare it, you can see the difference on the picture below:


I don't think it will fit.



am 3. Mai 2012 um 14:16


Original geschrieben von ixi0n

Just compare it, you can see the difference on the picture below:


I don't think it will fit.

Obvious, it will not fit :)

And I still need an answer how to connect the EU B7 analog clock...

am 3. Mai 2012 um 15:50

...from original B7 wiring diagram

Pin 1 - Plus (30a)

Pin 2 - LIN-Bus -> connected to CAN-gateway 20-pin connector Pin 2

Pin 3 - Ground (31)

am 3. Mai 2012 um 16:28


Original geschrieben von aCIDhOERER

...from original B7 wiring diagram

Pin 1 - Plus (30a)

Pin 2 - LIN-Bus -> connected to CAN-gateway 20-pin connector Pin 2

Pin 3 - Ground (31)

Vielen Dank!

Anyone tested this? Which Can-Gateway versions support this?

B7 clock in my B6 - no light yet, but coming soon! :)

The light should be no problem, that I can get from the entertainment CAN. I was thinking about adding a cool feature even the real B7 doesnt have ;)

What if you get in your car, turn on the ignition and (in case its dark outside and the cockpit lights are supposed to be on) the clock's illumination does not only turn itself on but fades on, like smooth ;)

But the more frightening part will be creating a virtual LIN that contains the necessary data such as Time, DST, Backlight status, backlight dimming (its supposed to dim with the rest of the cockpit).

Just took a real short peak at the LIN... Seems to be much harder than I thought to develop a Module.

am 12. Januar 2013 um 19:08


B7 clock in my B6 - no light yet, but coming soon!

Hey Muntega,

which Warnblinkschalter do you use? From which car is it? Part Number?

I would like to copy this :D

It looks great!




Original geschrieben von FLEE_92

Hey Muntega,

which Warnblinkschalter do you use? From which car is it? Part Number?

I would like to copy this :D

It looks great!



All decor incl. buttons from Passat B7 (3AA). I don"t think anything else can be retrofitted :)

Finally happy with the result! :)

Sry, dumme Frage, der Thread ist vor 2 Jahren erstellt worden.

Seit dem wird nur in englisch geschrieben, der Ersteller hat sich lange nicht mehr gemeldet.

Da ich nicht sehen kann wer woher kommt, ist es noch nötig auf englisch zu schreiben ?

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