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  7. Audi Q5 S-tronic shiftdown problem

Audi Q5 S-tronic shiftdown problem

Audi Q5 8R
Themenstarteram 21. Januar 2010 um 13:15


I am writing in english as my written german is soo bad. I do understand german..

I go my Q5 3.0 TDI in August 2009 and was a very happy man. But then I started to realise some problems with the Gear. The following problems I had with the gear:

With accelerating gear 1,2,3 always gave problems not shifting up correctly

This has been fixed now and it working.

With slowly pressing the brake approaching a traffic light the gears shift down very hard (like I would do a sudden brake while driving), I understand that s-tronic do shift down the gear and that you are suppose to notice it but should it be that you should feel like another break press. It is almost like when you are driving a manual car and drive 70 km/h and suddenly shift down to the 2 gear (a sudden break feeling appears), that is the feeling, the rate per minuts is fine but the brake feeling is not feeling good.

I have been to the car mechanics 6 or 7 times and they have replaced the S-tronic and the gear and done multiple updates. Now they have stated that the car should be good, but I am still not sure. I would like to get some oppinions concerning the shiftdown (breaking, slowing down) problem.



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11 Antworten

A lot of people had the same problem. After the newest update 37 F that problem shouldn`t be there anymore. My s-tronic gear shift is absolutly smooth after the latest update two weeks ago.


Themenstarteram 21. Januar 2010 um 15:32

Many thanks for the info. I had my latest update last friday so I assume it should be the latest update. I will ask my service berater. The thing is that I do not know much about cars so they can say what ever and it will be hard for me to argue.

But my feeling is that when slowing down for a traffic light I can feel that the gears are shifting down. but in some cases the shift down is very abrupt.

Will see what answer I get from my service berater.



It isn`t normal that the shift down is abrupt. Normaly when the s-tronic is shifting down, it should be also smooth. the s-tronic gearbox has two seprately gearboxes which use the same cramshaft. That's all together makes the gearchanging so smooth and fast. During changing the gears the s-tronic uses allways gearbox Nr. 1 for the gears 1,3,5,7 and the gearbox 2 use the gears 2,4,6.

When you accelerate your car the gearbox started with gear no 1 and directly holt gear no 2 in time to change from one gearbox to the other gearbox.

Themenstarteram 21. Januar 2010 um 21:16

Hi again,

I had an A6 before and it was quite different.

Do you feel at all when slowing down that the gears are shifting down?

The berater told me that the S-tronic works that way and that you will feel the gear shifting down. I do not have a problem feeling it shifting down but not so that it feels like I press the brake abruptly..Now it is not that bad but I can still feel it in some scenarios.

The berater even had some special person from audi (headquarter) there who said that the car will shift down the gear and you will notice it...am a bit torned...

Cheers and thanks for the info..Lets see what they will say..

Themenstarteram 22. Januar 2010 um 8:24

Hi again,

Here is the comment from my berater:

wir haben das final Softwareupdate nach Kriterium 01, 8R, Softwareupdate Getriebesteuergerät durchgeführt. Nach Aussage von der Qualitätsüberprüfung von der Audi AG ist das leichte Rucken beim Runterschalten gewollt. So kann dem Fahrer des Fahrzeugs Sportlichkeit vermittelt werden. Audi setzt im Gegensatz zu Mercedes auf Sportlichkeit des Fahrzeugs und gerade bei der S-tronic wurde dies in den Schaltvorgängen berücksichtigt. Im Gegensatz zu einem Automatikgetriebe wie z.B. im Audi A6, hast du ein automatisiertes Schaltgetriebe ( dies ist vielleicht der wichtigste Grund warum das Einlegen der Gänge im unteren Bereich spürbar ist).


Laut der AG ist das Problem ganz normal bei diesem Getriebe, es kann nichts in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden, alle Softwareupdates und Änderungen des Getriebes wurden vorgenommen, das Fahrzeug war im Analysezetrum und es ist nun alles auf dem aktuellen Stand.

I am not sure if it really is the way it should be. Is there anyone that can help me...



Original geschrieben von gripenberg

Hi again,


Here is the comment from my berater:


Nach Aussage von der Qualitätsüberprüfung von der Audi AG ist das leichte Rucken beim Runterschalten gewollt. So kann dem Fahrer des Fahrzeugs Sportlichkeit vermittelt werden. Audi setzt im Gegensatz zu Mercedes auf Sportlichkeit des Fahrzeugs und gerade bei der S-tronic wurde dies in den Schaltvorgängen berücksichtigt.

Wer' s glaubt wird selig.

Gerade die S-tronic (DSG) wird mit den sanften, nahezu unmerklichen Schaltvorgängen beworben.




am 22. Januar 2010 um 9:46


>Die s-tronic schaltet bei unserem Q5 nach Update 37F1 butterweich und sanft hoch und runter (Wählhebel auf D) ohne merkliches Rucken oder Abbremsen,halt so wie man es erwartet.

Somit ist die Aussage des Beraters definitiv falsch.

Versuche doch mal eine Probefahrt mit einem vergleichbaren und funktionierenden s-tronic-Q5 zu organisieren um zu erfahren wie es sein könnte.

(P.S. Nur die Gedenksekunden beim Anfahren,Gaswegnehmen und Wiederanfahren nervt noch!)

Viel Erfolg!


Hallo gripenberg.


Again: It isn't normal that you can feel the gears shifting down. After the latest update the changing of the gears is absolutely smooth. Of course you can hear and feel them a little bit. But defently not abruptly. Why don' t you ask your dealer that he give you a Q 5 out of the salesroom, so that you can drive another car  to check it out if it is normal or not ?

Is the Problem with all downshifts in all gears, or only in some special ones ?

am 22. Januar 2010 um 11:38

Hello Claes.

I'm driving the 2.0 TDI with the S - Tronic

I have NO problems from the first day on. To shift up or down the transmission is working atits best. But if I press the brake pedal smothly there is no shifting action. The gear which is angaged is keped during I presed the brake.

I hope your dealer will find a solution for it

Kind regards

Hallo Claes,

my english is not so good but I hope you can understand me ...

I have the 3l TDI from 12/08. The car comes with the an

unsteady revmeter. The error would like to adjust with an update

in 09/09 - before official 37F1 was note in my servicebook.

Since this time I have the same problem like you

"With slowly pressing the brake approaching a traffic light the gears shift

down very hard (like I would do a sudden brake while driving), ...

I think, the poblem is, that the gear to early gears are shifting down.

Look here


MfG Fred

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