neuer A4 bestellt
I have my A4 sline 2.0 with drive select already 2 days and it drive's very very good. My previous car was the previous A4 s-line and there are a lot of differences! Hereby soms pictures...
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30 Antworten
How would you judge the effectiveness of the "drive select" ? Is it worth the extra money?
Hello MariaCapelle
Very nice car !
Hi Mario!
What's the colour of the car? Is it the standard black?
Original geschrieben von whippersnapper80
How would you judge the effectiveness of the "drive select" ? Is it worth the extra money?
Well, the suspension of my previous s-line was sometimes to hard. I always liked the s-line, I liked the feeling of the sportsuspention, but when I had to drive 300km, I needed more comfort... Now that I have drive select and that I can choose between auto, comfort en dynamic, I have a good combination... Comfort: is realy comfortable, soft suspention, soft steering... Dynamic: the steering is heavier, the acceleration is directer and the suspention is harder... But I think that the suspension of the s-line (without drive select) is harder than the dynamic of the drive select... (Dynamic is not very hard)
During the 2 days I drove the A4, I used 90% comfort... (only 300km)
So when you would like the s-line and want to drive comfortable, than the DRIVE SELECT is the answer!
I may say that I made the right choice!
The colour is LAVAGRAU
Mario, I'm not sure that your car has S-Line Exterior Styling Pack! Front bumper, rear bumper and side blades are from normal A4... Otherwise, very nice car...
Original geschrieben von le-zero
What's the colour of the car? Is it the standard black?
I think, it's lava-grey...
EDIT: Sorry, I was too late...
@MarioCapelle: Upload some interior photos, when possible...
Original geschrieben von MarioCapelle
Original geschrieben von whippersnapper80
How would you judge the effectiveness of the "drive select" ? Is it worth the extra money?
Well, the suspension of my previous s-line was sometimes to hard. I always liked the s-line, I liked the feeling of the sportsuspention, but when I had to drive 300km, I needed more comfort... Now that I have drive select and that I can choose between auto, comfort en dynamic, I have a good combination... Comfort: is realy comfortable, soft suspention, soft steering... Dynamic: the steering is heavier, the acceleration is directer and the suspention is harder... But I think that the suspension of the s-line (without drive select) is harder than the dynamic of the drive select... (Dynamic is not very hard)
During the 2 days I drove the A4, I used 90% comfort... (only 300km)
So when you would like the s-line and want to drive comfortable, than the DRIVE SELECT is the answer!
I may say that I made the right choice!
The colour is LAVAGRAU
well, let´s speak in german linguage
also meister zasse
ich habe heute erneut im a4 gesessen mit rotem leder. (hmm, sehr schick und edel, keine frage, nobel, nobel).
nur, und da appelliere ich an die möglichen a4 käufer: das dermassen billige plastikrahmenprogramm...mein gott, wie kann man als kunde sich so eine disharmonie einkaufen!?da muss man doch echt gurken auf den augen haben oder arbeitgeberfahrzeugfahrer sein, um das noch chick nennen zu wollen und so einen kram ggf. privat zu kaufen. so ein herrliches stöffchen und farbe und dann nur plastikkram vom billigsten drumrum. allein dieses aus billigplastik gestanzte flaschenhalterungsteil mit einem gähnenden schwarzen loch des universums (mein passat vor 7 jahren hatte das wesentlich schicker zum halben preis gelöst) regt nur dazu an, da bei übermässigem, ja ...ihr wisst , was ich meine, da reinzumachen.
tja uns deutschen und den firmen, die diesen billigkram in kosten auf den verbraucher umwälzen, den geht es einfach zu gut und können nicht mehr zwischen echtem qualitätsbewussten noblesse obliege und nur billigem ramsch unterscheiden. und audi verdient sich mit so nem scheiß noch ne goldene nase. siehe umsatzsteigerungen
I become A4 like this, but phantom black, with same wheels, and S-line Sport Pack Plus (Ext.+Int. S-Line Pack).
1.) Sport Suspension:
I have decided not for s-line suspension but for normal sport suspension like you (OK you have it because of drive select). When I'am looking at this pictures, distance between wheels and wings by this suspension is OK. I like it. So I have decided good and don't need s-line suspension only due of better look.
2.) Wheels:
I also become the same 18" wheels. I thing this wheels are not looking bad, but I like 19" wheels from S5. But I can probably only dream about this wheels because of different ET Numbers...
amazing car. looks top. hope you have fun with it!
Take care of.
Kann mal jemand des auch in deutsch übersetzen will schon gerne mitbekommen was da abgeht?!?! danke
Der hat ne sline es war ihn zu hart und später drive select ? hää?
"Well, the suspension of my previous s-line was sometimes to hard. I always liked the s-line, I liked the feeling of the sportsuspention, but when I had to drive 300km, I needed more comfort... Now that I have drive select and that I can choose between auto, comfort en dynamic, I have a good combination... Comfort: is realy comfortable, soft suspention, soft steering... Dynamic: the steering is heavier, the acceleration is directer and the suspention is harder... But I think that the suspension of the s-line (without drive select) is harder than the dynamic of the drive select... (Dynamic is not very hard)
During the 2 days I drove the A4, I used 90% comfort... (only 300km)
So when you would like the s-line and want to drive comfortable, than the DRIVE SELECT is the answer!
I may say that I made the right choice! "
"Well, the suspension of my previous s-line was sometimes to hard. I always liked the s-line, I liked the feeling of the sportsuspention, but when I had to drive 300km, I needed more comfort... Now that I have drive select and that I can choose between auto, comfort en dynamic, I have a good combination... Comfort: is realy comfortable, soft suspention, soft steering... Dynamic: the steering is heavier, the acceleration is directer and the suspention is harder... But I think that the suspension of the s-line (without drive select) is harder than the dynamic of the drive select... (Dynamic is not very hard)
During the 2 days I drove the A4, I used 90% comfort... (only 300km)
So when you would like the s-line and want to drive comfortable, than the DRIVE SELECT is the answer!
I may say that I made the right choice! "
Die gewünschte Übersetzung:
Nun, die Federung meiner S-Line (Anm.: im früheren Fahrzeug) war manchmal zu hart. Ich habe die S-Line immer gemocht -auch die Sportfederung- aber wenn ich 300 km zu fahren hatte, brauchte ich eine weichere (komfortablere) Federung.
Nun -nachdem, ich Drive Select habe- habe ich eine gute Kombination: Ich kann zwischen Auto, Comfort und Dynamik wählen.
Komfort ist wirklich komfortabel, weiche Federung, leichte Lenkung.
Dynamic: Die Lenkung ist schwerer, die Beschleunigung ist direkter und die Federung ist härter.
Aber ich glaube, die Federung der S-Line (ohne Drive Select) ist härter als die Dynamikstellung in Drive Select (Dynamik ist nicht sehr hart).
Während der zwei Tage, die ich den A4 gefahren bin (insgesamt 300km), habe ich zu 90% den Comfort-Modus gewählt.
Fazit: Wenn Ihr die S-Line möchtet, aber trotzdem komfortabel fahren wollt, dann ist Drive Select DIE Antwort.
Ich kann für mich behaupten: Ich habe die richtige Wahl getroffen !
Viele Grüße,
Kurz und bündig: willst Du alles, nimm Drive Select... .