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  7. RNS-E: Endbuchstabe Bedeutung?

RNS-E: Endbuchstabe Bedeutung?

Audi A4 B7/8E
Themenstarteram 18. Dezember 2008 um 21:53

wenn man die RNS-E anschaut,sieht man am Ende einen Buchstaben.
Was bedeutet er?
Vorallem bei den Q;S und T Versionen.
Auf einer anderen Seite habe ich gelesen,dass er über die Region,wo das Navi hergestellt wurde Auskunft gibt.

Beste Antwort im Thema
am 18. Dezember 2008 um 21:53

Hier gibt's folgende Listen.
8E0 035 192 C Audi A4 Europe, MY 2004, 8E B6
8E0 035 192 D Audi A4 Europe, MY 2005, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 E Audi A4 North America, MY 2005.5, 8E B6
8E0 035 192 F Audi A4 North America, MY 2006, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 G Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 H Audi A4 Europe, MY 2006, 8E B7, with SDS
8E0 035 192 J Audi A4 North America, MY 2006, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 K Audi A4 Europe, MY 2007, 8E B7, sw 0500
8E0 035 192 M Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 N Audi A4 Europe, MY 2007, 8E B7, with SDS
8E0 035 192 P Audi A4 North America, MY 2007, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 Q Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 R Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7, with SDS, sw 0650
8E0 035 192 S Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 T Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7, sw 0650
8E0 035 193 Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008.5, 8E B7, with SDS
8H0 035 192 Audi A4 Cabrio Europe Basic, MY 2004, 8H (B6/B7)
8H0 035 192 A Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY 2006, 8H B6
8H0 035 192 B Audi A4 Cabrio North America, MY 2005.5, 8H B6
8H0 035 192 D Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 192 E Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 192 F Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 195 H Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown
8H0 035 192 J Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown
8H0 035 192 K Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown
8P0 060 884 (2004-0050) Europe
8P0 060 884 B (2004-0080) Europe
Navteq W531247003 (2004-0020) North America version 1A
8P0 060 884 A (2005-0100) Australia Version 2005
8P0 060 884 C (2005-0100) Europe
8P0 060 884 E (2005_1-0330) Europe (for RNS-E BASIC)
Navteq AND-A0501 (2005-0110) North America version 2A
8P0 060 884 G (2005-0330) Australia Version 2005_1
8P0 060 884 H (2005_2-0360) Europe (for RNS-E HIGH)
8P0 060 884 J (2006-0450) Europe
8P0 060 884 K (2006_1-0460) Europe
8P0 060 884 L (2006) South Africa
8P0 060 884 M (2007-0550) Europe (first 2 DVD set for Europe, first with TMC in UK)
8P0 060 884 M (2007-0550) Europe (factory installed with new cars)
8P0 060 884 N (2007-0550) Australia Version 2007
8P0 060 884 P (2007-0150) North America (3A)
8P0 060 884 Q (2007_1-0200) North America (4A)
8P0 060 884 R (2007_1-0600) Europe
8P0 060 884 S (2008 ) Australia
8P0 060 884 T (2008 ) South Africa
8P0 060 884 AA (2008-0650) Europe
8P0 060 884 AB (2008 ) AGCC (Arab Gulf Countries Council - Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE))
8P0 060 884 AC (2008-0260) North America (5A) - DISABLES TV FUNCTIONALITY
8P0 060 884 AD (2009-0650) Europe
8P0 060 884 AH (2009-0260) North America (6A) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED
8P0 060 884 AJ (2009_1-0650) Europe - Includes 0070 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AN (2010-0650) Europe - Includes 0150 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AP (2010-0650) Australia - Includes 0150 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AQ (2010-0650) South Africa - Includes 0150 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AR (2010-0650) AGCC - Includes 0150 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AS (2011-0260) North America (xA) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AT (2011-0650) Europe - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BA (2011-0650) Australia - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BB (2011-0650) South Africa - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BC (2011) AGCC
8P0 060 884 BD (2012-0260) North America (xA) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BE (2012-0650) Europe - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BF (2012-0650) Australia - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BG (2012) South Africa
8P0 060 884 BH (2012) AGCC
8P0 060 884 BJ (2013-0260) North America (xA) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED - Includes 0210 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BK (2013-0650) Europe - Includes 0220 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BL (2013-0650) Australia - Includes 0220 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BM (2013) South Africa
8P0 060 884 BN (2013) AGCC
8P0 060 884 BP (2014-0260) North America (xA) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED - Includes 0230 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BQ (2014-0650) Europe - Includes 0220 SW for 2010+ RNS-E - Added Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Lichtenstein, Romania and Montenegro
8P0 060 884 CB (2015-0650) Europe - Still has 0220 SW for 2010+ RNS-E - Now a 3CD set (DVD1: Central Europe[Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Benelux]; DVD2: Western Europe [France, Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Benelux, Switzerland]; DVD3: Eastern Europe[Germany, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Hungary])
8P0 060 884 CG (2016-0650/0220) Europe - 3DVD set.
8P0 060 884 CH (2016) Australia
8P0 060 884 CJ (2016) South Africa
8P0 060 884 CK (2016) AGCC

3 weitere Antworten
Ähnliche Themen
3 Antworten
am 18. Dezember 2008 um 21:53

Hier gibt's folgende Listen.
8E0 035 192 C Audi A4 Europe, MY 2004, 8E B6
8E0 035 192 D Audi A4 Europe, MY 2005, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 E Audi A4 North America, MY 2005.5, 8E B6
8E0 035 192 F Audi A4 North America, MY 2006, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 G Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 H Audi A4 Europe, MY 2006, 8E B7, with SDS
8E0 035 192 J Audi A4 North America, MY 2006, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 K Audi A4 Europe, MY 2007, 8E B7, sw 0500
8E0 035 192 M Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 N Audi A4 Europe, MY 2007, 8E B7, with SDS
8E0 035 192 P Audi A4 North America, MY 2007, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 Q Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 R Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7, with SDS, sw 0650
8E0 035 192 S Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 T Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7, sw 0650
8E0 035 193 Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008.5, 8E B7, with SDS
8H0 035 192 Audi A4 Cabrio Europe Basic, MY 2004, 8H (B6/B7)
8H0 035 192 A Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY 2006, 8H B6
8H0 035 192 B Audi A4 Cabrio North America, MY 2005.5, 8H B6
8H0 035 192 D Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 192 E Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 192 F Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 195 H Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown
8H0 035 192 J Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown
8H0 035 192 K Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown
8P0 060 884 (2004-0050) Europe
8P0 060 884 B (2004-0080) Europe
Navteq W531247003 (2004-0020) North America version 1A
8P0 060 884 A (2005-0100) Australia Version 2005
8P0 060 884 C (2005-0100) Europe
8P0 060 884 E (2005_1-0330) Europe (for RNS-E BASIC)
Navteq AND-A0501 (2005-0110) North America version 2A
8P0 060 884 G (2005-0330) Australia Version 2005_1
8P0 060 884 H (2005_2-0360) Europe (for RNS-E HIGH)
8P0 060 884 J (2006-0450) Europe
8P0 060 884 K (2006_1-0460) Europe
8P0 060 884 L (2006) South Africa
8P0 060 884 M (2007-0550) Europe (first 2 DVD set for Europe, first with TMC in UK)
8P0 060 884 M (2007-0550) Europe (factory installed with new cars)
8P0 060 884 N (2007-0550) Australia Version 2007
8P0 060 884 P (2007-0150) North America (3A)
8P0 060 884 Q (2007_1-0200) North America (4A)
8P0 060 884 R (2007_1-0600) Europe
8P0 060 884 S (2008 ) Australia
8P0 060 884 T (2008 ) South Africa
8P0 060 884 AA (2008-0650) Europe
8P0 060 884 AB (2008 ) AGCC (Arab Gulf Countries Council - Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE))
8P0 060 884 AC (2008-0260) North America (5A) - DISABLES TV FUNCTIONALITY
8P0 060 884 AD (2009-0650) Europe
8P0 060 884 AH (2009-0260) North America (6A) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED
8P0 060 884 AJ (2009_1-0650) Europe - Includes 0070 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AN (2010-0650) Europe - Includes 0150 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AP (2010-0650) Australia - Includes 0150 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AQ (2010-0650) South Africa - Includes 0150 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AR (2010-0650) AGCC - Includes 0150 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AS (2011-0260) North America (xA) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 AT (2011-0650) Europe - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BA (2011-0650) Australia - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BB (2011-0650) South Africa - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BC (2011) AGCC
8P0 060 884 BD (2012-0260) North America (xA) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BE (2012-0650) Europe - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BF (2012-0650) Australia - Includes 0200 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BG (2012) South Africa
8P0 060 884 BH (2012) AGCC
8P0 060 884 BJ (2013-0260) North America (xA) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED - Includes 0210 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BK (2013-0650) Europe - Includes 0220 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BL (2013-0650) Australia - Includes 0220 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BM (2013) South Africa
8P0 060 884 BN (2013) AGCC
8P0 060 884 BP (2014-0260) North America (xA) - TV FUNCTIONALITY STILL DISABLED - Includes 0230 SW for 2010+ RNS-E
8P0 060 884 BQ (2014-0650) Europe - Includes 0220 SW for 2010+ RNS-E - Added Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Lichtenstein, Romania and Montenegro
8P0 060 884 CB (2015-0650) Europe - Still has 0220 SW for 2010+ RNS-E - Now a 3CD set (DVD1: Central Europe[Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Benelux]; DVD2: Western Europe [France, Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Benelux, Switzerland]; DVD3: Eastern Europe[Germany, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Hungary])
8P0 060 884 CG (2016-0650/0220) Europe - 3DVD set.
8P0 060 884 CH (2016) Australia
8P0 060 884 CJ (2016) South Africa
8P0 060 884 CK (2016) AGCC

am 18. Dezember 2008 um 22:07

Hier gibt's folgende Listen.
8E0 035 192 C Audi A4 Europe, MY 2004, 8E B6
8E0 035 192 D Audi A4 Europe, MY 2005, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 E Audi A4 North America, MY 2005.5, 8E B6
8E0 035 192 F Audi A4 North America, MY 2006, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 G Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 H Audi A4 Europe, MY 2006, 8E B7, with SDS
8E0 035 192 J Audi A4 North America, MY 2006, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 K Audi A4 Europe, MY 2007, 8E B7, sw 0500
8E0 035 192 M Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 N Audi A4 Europe, MY 2007, 8E B7, with SDS
8E0 035 192 P Audi A4 North America, MY 2007, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 Q Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7
8E0 035 192 R Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7, with SDS, sw 0650
8E0 035 192 S Audi A4 BNS 5.0
8E0 035 192 T Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008, 8E B7, sw 0650
8E0 035 193 Audi A4 Europe, MY 2008.5, 8E B7, with SDS
8H0 035 192 Audi A4 Cabrio Europe Basic, MY 2004, 8H (B6/B7)
8H0 035 192 A Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY 2006, 8H B6
8H0 035 192 B Audi A4 Cabrio North America, MY 2005.5, 8H B6
8H0 035 192 D Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 192 E Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 192 F Audi A4 Cabrio, region/MY/SDS unknown
8H0 035 195 H Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown
8H0 035 192 J Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown
8H0 035 192 K Audi A4 Cabrio Europe, MY unknown

8P0 919 884 (2004-0050) Europe
8P0 919 884 A (2005-0100) Australia Version 2005
8P0 919 884 B (2004-0080) Europe
8P0 919 884 C (2005-0100) Europe
Navteq W531247003 (2004-0020) North America version 1A
8P0 919 884 E (2005_1-0330) Europe (for RNS-E BASIC)
Navteq AND-A0501 (2005-0110) North America version 2A
8P0 919 884 G (2005-0330) Australia Version 2005_1
8P0 919 884 H (2005_2-0360) Europe (for RNS-E HIGH)
8P0 919 884 J (2006-0450) Europe
8P0 919 884 K (2006_1-0460) Europe
8P0 919 884 L (2006) South Africa
8P0 919 884 M (2007-0550) Europe (first 2 DVD set for Europe, first with TMC in UK)
8P0 060 884 M (2007-0550) Europe (factory installed with new cars)
8P0 919 884 N (2007-0550) Australia Version 2007
8P0 919 884 P (2007-0150) North America (3A)
8P0 919 884 Q (2007_1-0200) North America (4A)
8P0 919 884 R (2007_1-0600) Europe
8P0 060 884 S (2008 ) Australia
8P0 060 884 T (2008 ) South Africa
8P0 060 884 AA (2008-0650) Europe
8P0 060 884 AB (2008 ) AGCC (Arab Gulf Countries Council - Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE))
8P0 919 884 AC (2008-0260) North America (5A) - DISABLES TV FUNCTIONALITY
8P0 060 884 AD (2009-0xxx) Europe
Gruß, Pedl

Hy suche ein mmi mit der Nummer 8h0 035 192 A

Und nun zu meiner Frage am Ende ist ja der bustabe
Muss ich ein jetzt ein Radio kaufen mit dem gleichen bustabe oder kan auch ein anderer bustabe dar stehen
Und es funktioniert Wan auch alles

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